
If you really lean into the road trip aspect, the game is beautiful. Being asked to choose a photo at the end of the game is genuinely heartbreaking when you realize what it means. The complicated relationship between Noctis and his father really hits home at the end as well.

I feel like Jason needs to make a guest appearance here.

I’d say less rote memorisation and more thinking a move ahead. Which, yeah, it's awkward, but it's nice to have an alternative to twitchy reflex-based combat.

I missed Fahey doing Snacktaku but I never wanted this for him. 

Friends. I have returned to confirm Mara is indeed in the game.

Click “Latest”. It’s the only way to view things in a sane way.

Considering the Navy navigates vast oceans and rough seas, you’d think they’d be better at handling streams.

We already saw Raidou in the reveal trailer, so he’s definitely in. It says DLC, so my guess is the game will have the Raidou version, and then there will be a dlc quest or event where Dante joins or something.


I love that Star Citizen exists. I hate that CIG just may not pull it off. It’s like watching a ship builder build a triple-Titanic. I’d be happy with a normal, functioning Titanic. A triple-Titanic would be fucking amazing, but the longer its construction drags on, the more it seems like its gonna triple sink the

And, EVEN worse, the food that is provided is just more of the same food responsible for our obesity epidemic. Every time someone proposes making healthier, non-processed alternatives on-site, the administrators just throw their hands up in the air and say it can’t be done. And maybe it can’t for what the government

McCarter is thrilled that the event was such a success, but it’s bittersweet: After all, in a country as wealthy as the United States, a charity event like this really shouldn’t even be necessary.

Japan is one of the richest countries in the world. Third largest GDP with a high GDP/capita, quality of life, technology, etc. Your argument simply does not work when Japan eats them as a delicacy. They’re completely safe to eat. 25% of chicken is infected with salmonella. 25%. And you’re trying to claim that eating

Before she left Avalanche and followed her calling in civil engineering? I suppose.

Yep. Keep an eye on the official union Twitter account.

I mean the obvs answer is that its a Coach collab and Michael B Jordan. Its for a select consumer, those who can afford Coach and like anime.