
Little did she know that her children were secretly hiding butts underneath their clothing this entire time.

Well... this is the first time I know that the Guile theme is played in-situ and in that moment, and not just remixed after the event. That's what it makes it awesome.

I had two of the weirdest things ever happen to me this morning when playing.

God I'd really like a new Gunstar Heroes game. Such a hella fun classic.

Just gimme those games Sony, that's all it will take to get me on board.

lol in that case your accent must be proper fucked.

The Nomad was awesome. I mean, you could hook it up to a TV and play it that way.

Now playing

Armored core get so rarely mentioned when good soundtrack are being discussed. It's really a shame I found. It's not something that would please everyone, but it's definitely unique and interesting. I didn't like 5 and verdict day, but there soundtrack is great.

So, my wife and I currently have a hedgehog. He is almost 2 years old.

I wonder if they will ever animate The Ravages of Time.

I read somewhere that the ninja run originated because the animators were just lazy to animate the arms. No idea if it's true, but it would be pretty funny if it was.

Huh, forgotten the fact owned versions can be updated as such for cheap.

I just hope its less boring and ugly to look at than Fallout 3. Who says post-apocaliptic worlds need to look all gray and horrible all the time? Just look at The Last of Us!

Amazing Chest Ahead.
Try Holding With Two Hands.
Use Plunging Attack.
Imminent Trap
Be Weary of Tail
I Can't Take This!

You never saw your hands, feet, etc in the original games (unless you played third person in Thief 3, but that's not a 1st person POV, then). They're pointing out that this particular style reminds them of Mirror's Edge. No need to be snarky.

Spoilers for the game here but: People can call him emo or whatever but he's anything but. In fact, I believe Squall to be the most realistic male protagonist Square ever created. He's a guy who's just trying to go through school to become a SeeD. At every turn he's faced with idiots and weirdos and he just wants to

You accidentally the wrong console.

"Beam me up, Shawwwty."

Yeah, I'm sorry for that.

I don't know why you'd be questioning our integrity. I hope you've read the review and see what I liked about the game. I did my best to explain why I like the unusual combat system. I'm pretending this game is something it isn't, and I'm fine with it not being a DmC or God of War. I like what they tried.

Necro, no the review is not a joke! You can tell that by reading it, can't you? All you're showing me of these other reviews are their review scores. I don't take numbers on a game seriously. They're, at best, a way to roughly gauge what a reviewer thought about the game, but nothing beats actually reading or watching