
I’m more appreciative so far of the Monsters looking like their game counterpart and them showing elemental weapons. If the movie can still get across the spirit of monster hunter, I can overlook little things like wrong elemental weaknesses.

I’ve been waiting for years for the next evolution of Dynasty warriors but this? Oh man they things I would do to the gaming world if I had billions.

I’m glad to see you stoked and happy

fromjapan.com got you guys covered

Chrono Cross’s setting would be so gorgeous in todays graphics. The recent live performance of the soundtrack proves that it slaps to this day.

So no Raido?


oops wrong reply

I like slower fighters for this reason. Other skills can come into play. Marvel VS Capcom end of the spectrum will be some thing that gets harder and harder to stay at peak level at.

I’ll take that fucking risk. GIVE IT TO ME

I hope they add a hard mode that ups the battle difficulty without the money and experience nerfs from the other games

I didn’t know this existed, I need to check it out.

Theres gotta be a secret white club where they play chicken with stuff like this and kudos eachother for what they can get away with.

More emphasis on the mods that totally changed how the lighting, krogans, and architecture in some places would have been more interesting.

Yall leaving is really wearing down on me. Gonna have to follow you and the others on twitter and whatnot. Kotaku one stop shop for the, most part, no more.

Thanks to the hangoutitude of FF15, and the subsequent bawling and sadness of how it ends, I was hoping 7 remake would end up with atleast that much. Sounds like it is.

I’m down for the quality? Yes. Yes

This is one of the top FF for me only cause it made a crying clown out of me when they had us going through the happy photo album I made for a picture Noct can take with him. Rubbed my face in my own efforts which have been twisted into supreme bittersweetness

This game would make a wondrous remake. With how the settings look in the game already. It would be a gorgeous magical game if redone.

i’m out of the loop, can you link me or tell me what this is about?