
Jalopnik came to the rescue. But I want to put in my .02. The design is classic/iconic, beautiful, and in my opinion, proportioned well. The tighter wheelbase is off-putting to some, but it works with the style and era. This has been my favorite Ferrari for 30 years. Long before Jalopnik was a twinkle in Denton’s eye.

My 2nd favorite Ferrari design ever.

Feeling the room heating up and walks to closet ... Red on a Ferrari is predictable and boring... selects flame suit from closet... even yellow is somewhat too brash...steps into flame suit... I prefer mine in Miami Vice white or a shade of blue...slowly zips up flame suit ... of course a nice shade of dark green

I disagree about the colour. I think Ferraris look cool in shades other than red.

Because the early 80s were fantastic.

Has history absolved the front-wheel drive Alfa Romeo Spider?

That was the most dangerous move possible, especially at a blind corner. He should have followed the marshal’s point instead of taking off on his own. And before anyone else asks, yes, I am a corner marshal, and yes I have discussed it with some of the workers who were at the race.

And people say ‘80s cars are ugly.

He was watchin the feature film when he shoulda been watchin the trailer!

I’m going to import a... oh fuck, I live here.

Nice sierra. Is that a Escort body kit?

That’s an Escort.

Sounds like you need another Jeep.