
I know there's been tons of Apple Map hate, and I can see the areas where it's flat-out inferior, but I've been using the turn-by-turn extensively the last few days and it's been just as reliable as my old Garmin. That being said, if I lived in a city where I actually needed transit info and street view, I'm sure it

Wait... Apple is actually passing on manufacturing a cheap, high mark-up accesory?

Wait a minute... you're telling me that a company came up with an arbitrary marketing term for their version of an everyday product? Unbelievable.

Actually, they're available to anyone that wants them. Apple has always made its blueprints available.

Can you leak something that's already out? Is that a thing now? I just can't keep up with you kids these days.

I've never had much of a problem moving my unlimited AT&T plan from phone-to-phone myself. If I remember correctly, the option is always there when you're going through the setup. It's just greyed out if you're not grandfathered in.

I get why people use Audacity, it's functional and free. I just wish it didn't hurt my eyes.

Hence "ex" girlfriend.

I've been wanting an elegant, dead-simple car dock like this for a decade now. It's so goddamn simple that it's aggravating that no one has made anything like this. It seems like every dock I've seen similar to this is huge, plastic and overpriced.

It's a $200 Focusrite interface, there's a huge market for that.

To be totally fair, Pandora got crappy a long time ago.

"I'm an engineer at a professional recording studio."

I think it would be more accurate to say that they leave out bleeding-edge tech until it becomes practical to actually use. Case in point, for a long time, owning a 4G phone was miserable because battery life was terrible. Apple didn't want 4G in the iPhone because they wanted to wait until they found a way to make is

What's really weird is that Playstation Home is still a thing.

Hum...yeah, pretty much. That's a pretty common and logical business practice. If there's a market segment that's making money and you don't have a product in it, you make one. People are obviously interested in the 7" form factor. That, coupled with the fact there are a ton of people that would love an iPad and

My Sony Dream Machine alarm clock. Had it for almost 20 years now. Looks great anywhere and still 100% functional.

It's fun to think about the idea of actually finding life on Mars, but if you want to do good science, you can't go to that place until you have some really compelling evidence to do so. Sure, the conspiracy theories are fun, but a lot of people take that stuff seriously. Optic inconsistencies and the like are always

Releasing a new model once every twelve (or more, occasionally) months isn't screwing anyone over. It's standard practice, and Apple actually has the least aggressive update cycle of pretty much all the smartphone manufacturers. The Droid and Galaxy lines typically see a a new model well within a year of every release.

"May even let the iPhone and iPad be used as remote controls."

I do a lot of audio work, and always found it aggravating that OSX couldn't recognize more than one audio interface at a time. Ninety percent of the time it isn't a problem since I'm usually using an interface with a lot of i/o, but there are definitely times when it would be really convenient to hook up a spare