
I made this for an art show that's happening in LA soon called 'Six Seasons and a Movie.' The title of the the image is 'I Hope This Doesn't Awaken Anything in Me...' [chip-magnet.tumblr.com]

I'll be honest. When I read the headline I thought it was going to be made out of cake. SHINY cake.

I had that too...

Based on the way the messages are typed up (grammar, punctuation, etc.) I'm going to call bullshit on this one and say that Christoforo just needs to shut up and go away.

35 Dollars for a movie ticket? Are you given a handjob and a steak along with the ticket?

Goatees, you say? Truly, this is the darkest timeline...

That trailer is cheesier than Wisconsin.

I want to hear at least 10 of those reasons. And none of this 'It just sucks' shit.

I think that was 'One in the Chamber.' He gets bullets as he gets kills.

Are you implying that American comedy sucks?

I remember when Helvetica had basically just started, and I thought it was a wonderful web-comic that I hope will be going places! Thanks for reminding me to catch up!

There's a shout-out to Serenity as people are being killed/killing. A woman brings a gun up and shoots her brains out, while there are Reaver like beings in the background.

But it's still funny as hell.

Every time I see the kids my first thought is 'When did Aang bang Ty Lee?' Does this make me a horrible person?

I forgot this wasn't gawker or io9, and was slightly dissapointed there wasn't any reference in the article or comments about 'doing the dinosaur.'

'First, you absolutely never indulge your children's whims.'

No... You, Sir/Madam/Robot/Dog.

'Our team is working closely with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles to help expand and give a more complex back story.'

0:53 - No candy bar, light on left hand corner of camera is off.