
So? Oblivion was re-rated to 'M'

But... This is Gizmodo...

Man, I want a bionic arm. But I don't want to lost one of my arms to get one, I wanna just get a third arm that's bionic, that opens up a whole NEW world of possibilities. Yes, now I can have foursomes!

My ego then.

My penis

That's quite a load you got there.

Irony of irony Mac people can't spell.

Well, Baltimore Comic-Con happened today...

Or Baltimore Comic Con, that happened today.

I actually enjoyed the latest book. Guess I'm a minority. :/

Hear Hear

You're just jealous of our segways.

These are so... beautiful....

For once I get to pull that card too, and I could have sworn I saw it on io9 too.

I thought the costumes had been good, I understand that there have to be certain liberties taken to make a character 'realistic,' and I'll wait until I see the costumes on screen before I cast my final judgement, but for now I think CatWoman is the only character I have a problem with. I don't know how I feel about

It's not that, they just look retarded, costume wise. (Mainly Catwoman. A catsuit and Wild Planet Night Vision glasses painted black?)


Just because you have heard of it doesn't mean it IS iconic.

Same here. Sometimes people should speak for themselves.

Not his real mom.