
@Frazzlet: Marathon 2, and Myth. Halo 2 on the PC, and Oni. Yeah, they've never made games for the PC.

The only thing I disliked about the cows were that the sandwiches came with pickles... I hate pickles....

@lineypi: The strange thing is I don't remember writing like that. Just 'Yeah, guy never left, and there was free coke zero!'

That guy with the hat in the last image was there when I visited. THAT GUY NEVER LEFT!? WHAT!? Also, best freebie of the entire con: Coooooins and a coin holder. Also: FREE Coke Zero for everyoonnnee!

It's going to take some getting used to for Giamatti's voice. I always imagined Tom Kenny (Spongebob) to do Ratberts voice, but with a gangster kind of flair. Oh well, I'll live.

So begins the first few steps to the rise of the replicators.

I lost a Firefly shirt at Baltimore Comic Con last year. I was so devastated. ;-;

@hercules_100_98: I'm buying the DVD anyway, not JUST because of a 12 minute short, but because I'm a fan of LOST.

@Tony Chavez: I'm thinking that 'closing some stations down' means that there are still people in stations, much like Desmond was still in the Swan years after the DHARMA initiative all died.

@Pinkhamster: Just by realizing that, you've gotten the internet working on a 'This isn't Tron XXX' Parody.

@deelybobber: I used to live in Alb. (Hated it) but reading that they filmed Paul there makes me hate it a leeeeetle bit less...

@Konstantin Art: Similar to Scott Pilgrim? Fool you be trollin'! This isn't anywhere NEAR O'Malleys style. Just because both have characters doesn't mean they're similar.

@swampthing: That would require months of working out, being black, and actually using Old Spice Body Wash and Deoderant, two of which are hard for even most nerds to do...

The professors laugh made my day.

@Jaredu: That's what SHE said!

@Ett: Last year was 2, this year its all 4s, next year it should be time for 3.14