
Nop... looks like he’s going all the way.

I was one of the doubters and mentioned that I wouldn’t be convinced until I saw another video. I didn’t doubt there was a large gator there... more than the video was authentic.
I officially recant that doubt!
This guy is like the Gator Lord, and he appears to know it.
Look how he holds his head!
“I am the fell King

I am, for once, going to be that inevitable guy in the comments section:
This looks extremely fake.
I mean, like really well done CGI, fake... but no escaping the fake look of a great many things here.
Skin too shiny and looks like it hasn’t taken a wound... ever.. Walk too regular... and too herky-jerky. Head too high

The picture was produced by Dr Phil Good.
This picture made me feel alright.

“Also, since they’re black it reminds me of slaves being whipped.”

As a southern man, born and brewed in the south, I mean this quiet sincerely:
What the h... I SAY.... what the hell’s WRONG with you, boy!
Boy’s got a mouth like a cannon, always shooting off.

Two words:

I loved it.
Now, all I want is 20 more years worth of this kind of thing... and I want it now.
For those of you saying it's crap: Yea, art is in the eye of the beholder, but dammit, you're trying WAY too hard to analyze the thing.
This isn't a comment on modern life where you step back, dwell on it and derive some sense

I would like to see this one day as well...
I'd also like to see it with those people that were in the video.
Somewhere between the snow, the sky, and the manner of the folks in that video there was a real spirit of peace. Now I want to go visit Yellowknife.

Just had a gander at your webpage, Milton Menezes.
I haven't seen art of this type (subject matter etc) that was this over the top outstanding since the Omni magazine days.
Thank you very much for bringing this particular breed of art back into the world.

"Please, oblige me, tell me how a wheel is going to sever someones head which is in a helmet, and is surrounded by a metal cage. Please tell me that. Jesus fuck. Yes it was a close call, yes it would have sucked to have the wheel or any part of the vehicle hit him. But there is no goddamn way his head was about to be

This reminds me of a scene in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
It's when they blow the bridge between the Confederate and the Union camps.
Ely Wallachs butt is sticking straight up in the air and this huge rock comes buzzing in and nearly takes his arse clean off... if you can find the vid, you can see it almost as

Anybody know if FB has ever had this large scale of a failure in the past?

lol Even so... no worries. Be well, m8

Oh hey, man! No worries on my end.
I didn't mean to come across that way at all. I apologize for that.
I just sort of get... vehement... all the sudden sometimes.
I guess in that way we are probably alike.
Those gifs presented in the way they are have been bugging me for awhile.
I was practically compelled to say

No. I wont get with any times that throw a flashy doohicky right smack in the middle of my read that also spoils the video, which I tend to watch every time I click on an article.
Gifs in the main body of the text suck.
Make them clickable somehow.
A lot of other people hate them too... so, it's a matter of preference

Don't be a presumptuous ass because that's just an ignorant thing to do. To hold a mirror up to your previous silly statement about 'my selfishness'. Truth is, I'm a pretty nice guy.
See, one of the things that discussion is for is to (don't faint) discuss... so, maybe refrain from you ass-u-me-ing tendencies here.

Alright. You have a good point. I buy the data usage argument, no problem.

Oh yea, Mr Diaz... no disrespect intended. I like the stuff you highlight and all.
But: These gifs ... seriously, man. Help us out here.

I like Gizmodo/Sploid/all-the-rest... the articles are generally pretty good. Some are great.

What was he going to record? Pretty much, any damned thing he wants to record.