Spoon II

Chris Hadfield: Canadian Bill Nye in Space?

welp that is the coolest thing I've seen coming out of an aircraft since Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer

If I had money, it would be gone by the time I wrote this. I'm practically drooling over this stuff.

Real life Kerbal shopping list. Damn I wish I was an eccentric billionaire.

I'll drink to that!

I hate "irregardless". I realize it's been accepted into our lexicon, but it seems like one of those words that was created because someone thought "regardless" didn't sound important enough and was trying to pass him- or herself off as eloquent.

It's made some appearances in dictionaries, but usually it's in the "don't use formally" pile.

That's a bunch of nonsense. It doesn't work at a- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.

Hong Kong?

A...a what?

Back in its day, flying the Concorde was pretty much the most extravagant airline perk.

Google's founders are getting their own terminal. Wired

"I ain't no suit-wearin' businessman like you. You know, I'm just a gangster, I suppose. And I want my corners."

It actually looks like the shift lever might be prone to popping out of gear, and he's preventing that at times. He's messing with him a bit too, but I don't think it's all to mess with him.

That made me imagine Jerry Seinfeld and Kramer as a rally team.

Or it's possibly a Dodge Journey!

I'd lose a week's pay to have the book thrown at that sociopath. Personally speaking.

You can't not love these things.

I believe that what $kaycog meant was: "Rihanna is a beautiful and talented artist of a mere 24 years of age that lacks the iota of common sense which would necessarily lead her to choose her own self-preservation over her own self-gratification, destructive habits, and the urge to live 'dangerously'; as evidenced by