
I think the biggest thing in play was that it was 100mph in a 45mph zone on city streets. That tends to be a killer...

There is no doubt in my mind that football coaches, even at the pro level, remain some of the most backwards and blockheaded people of the mentoring world, or that the undeniably mediocre Leslie Frazier and his staff have made many bad decisions for many bad reasons. But you'll have to excuse me if I am a little

Thats the Joke. But thanks for pointing that out.

I'm not sure that any of you understand that Social Justice Kittens is satirizing the kind of online social justice it is representing, not celebrating it.

It's not just annoying and inconvenient; man hand-designed phones are actually interfering with women's ability to be journalists.

All men have huge hands and all women have small hands, because biotruths.

"Detective Inspector Bruce Scott put it this way: "None of the girls have been brave enough (emphasis mine) to make formal statements to us so we can take that to a prosecution stage."

This is the boot-lickingest corporate shilling I've seen in a minute. I hope it's factored into your bonus at Under Armor this year; you've earned it.


This is almost as bad as the time this happened.

He competed for the 2006 U.S. Paralympic team in slalom and giant slalom, and has also made the roster for the U.S. amputee soccer team.

And the guy is a natural on the Foosball table.

Sorry you had a bad time.

So, you made a bad call, and so the whole system is worthless..... riiiight.

Why do pro-gun people always assume they have the only gun in a situation like this?


Are you delusional? "Americanizing" probably not as who knows what that means, but as to looking more like a "white" person or one of European descent? Of course it is. The entire dynamic of the procedure is precisely to make the eyes look less asian and more european in shape. That's just an objective observation of

Jesus Christ...