
ugh I suppose that wouldn't be too bad. I still don't like the idea of telling the developers how they should name a character they create and I don't think Robin Williams would want this either, it's pointless and somewhat compromises the creators artistic integrity.

I think it's a hard spot for Nintendo to be in, due to the nature of his apparent suicide. It would be a simple thing to name an NPC "Robin", but at this very moment there's an aspect of the situation that strongly goes against Nintendo's family-friendly values. That's just my take, mind you.

Yeah, shoved in the closet by Merle

Hot Toys has really pulled out all the stops for this figure. Implanted cloth hair, those lovely arms with the rubber-covered joints. Originally I figured I could get by with just Rocket and Groot. Now I just might need the whole set (though I wasn't very impressed with Hot Toys' Star-Lord).


That image makes me feel like

I've always been impressed that they actually started with Nova as a young kid and let the character grow up rather than keeping him a perpetual youngster like Peter Parker.


I'unno... Unless he gets naked again, is it really worth it?


Hell, the whole plot point of the accused murder can be reminiscent of The Stranger.

Waking up in a world of callous people who have gone mad and the main character has undergone a physical change - allusions to Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" perhaps?

This is basically a Dream world for me. I could Live on the beach, and I can have free LEGOS. Honestly, if someone told me I could have a hot tub as an office chair? I WOULD BE FREE OF ALL EARTHLY NEEDS FOREVER MORE.

Only a very minor point, but since I just watched it last night, I'll mention that Ricardo Montalban's role in Conquest is actually also in Escape from the Planet of the Apes, where plays the animal trainer/circus guy you mention who winds up with Milo at the end of the movie.

On a somewhat related note, I also last

and when the door rose up i came in my pants.....

Will Lego ever stop being one of the coolest things ever?

Was the benevolent zombie a wight or walker? As I understand it, there's hardly anything known about them, even in the novels. The clip with the walker king was brand new even for the readers. We're still in the dark as to what the walker motivations are.

The reason why the Wall is so large but Wildlings slip through it is because (and this will become a plot point in later seasons) is that the Wall was never intended to stop Wildlings. It has spells and such woven into it to prevent the White Walkers. Granted, their wights have passed through, but that was only