
@Dayvan Cowboy: I think one thing that other MMO's have that STO does not do well is exploration. Sure we get to run through the star trek universe but the planets are very small shooter missions with very little to explore. Go to a planet and either fight or beam down and fight. It just got old really fast. I

@Skullthrone: Same here. I also got tired of all the down time. The thing was in open beta for what... a week or two? No long term stress tests at all. Seemed like every evening I had time to play the servers were down for some reason. I finally made it to Lt. Commander and realized it was more of the same/boring

I've spent Lt lv 7-9 doing PVP missions and it has been pretty one sided using a federation starship. Even one on one with a Klingon player means quick death. So it's been pretty repetitive.. spawn.. race to battle.. drop out of full impulse a little early to let shields and weapons charge.. try to do some extra

Hmm.. I can only think of one word to describe someone who keeps a spider as a pet...

@triggerx: It really depends. In my area, we get no 3G, just Edge. So when I am near a free hotspot I may connect just to allow the last few e-mails I queued on the iPhone to send, update blogs quickly, or check a web page. Edge is painfully slow, and AT&T's 3G coverage is painfully inadequate. They went to the