
I love Hellboy, Ron Perlman and GdT but I didn’t like the direction the movies were going in so ... I think I can live with this bit of news.

Well, as it is a Fox movie they won’t have a bunch of incestuous Hulks running around murdering and humping everything.

Jigsaw? Booo!! BOOO, I SAY!!! And the notion that Jigsaw is Frank’s best friend... come on, man. That has been done to death. I mean we literally just saw this exact plot in Luke Cage.

I kept waiting for the ‘but it is all gone now, destroyed by humanity’s greed and pollution’ ... maybe they are saving that for another article.

They made her more unlikable than the TV version? I’m impressed.

He’s going to die at the end of this movie, isn’t he?

If any movie required graphic violence it would be a Wolverine movie. Any other movie I’d be inclined to agree with you but in my mind the Wolverine movies to date have been lacking in graphic violence because Wolverine is at heart a bloody violent little rodent with ginsu knives in his hands.

What I’m worried about is giving Frank too much of his humanity back. Supporting characters, new attachments, doubts about his mission... these are all ultimately enemies of serving the Punchier as a character in the long term.

I dunno, man. Some of that stuff might be too hardcore even for HBO (mostly thinking of The Slavers). I wouldn’t miss it for the world though. I wonder if they will do something with Ma Guccci, albeit a little less goofy, as that was a nice self-contained story which would fit in well with the standard 13 episodes

A movie about Judge Death is somewhat secondary to the fact that we NEED another Judge Dredd movie with Karl Urban in it ASAP. The last movie was just brilliant and the world needs more.

I’m old enough but when I was growing up we did not have MST3K (or MST2K as it was known back in those days) showing in the UK, certainly not on the terrestrial channels.

You mean... you wouldn’t choose death?

Why are cats always the bad guys?! I protest this! I... oh, well, now that I think about it I suppose they could ONLY be the bad guys. Dang it.

Ooo! Must get. I love the art style, but then I’m a huge fan of Mignola so no surprises there.

Ah, and now I have nightmares for the rest of my life.

I was about to post something similar but then decided I couldn’t be bothered fending off the toxic responses. I’ll let someone else handle that fun chore.

A lot of the recaps on this site are just overly-critical, bitter whinging nowadays. I guess that attracts more clicks...?

Apart from all the ones who survived and went into hiding or turned their backs on the Order.

I wonder if they thank the generous zoo or aquarium that actually provided the sea slug specimen for this (I assume).

They implement that wonky phase-shifting Romulan cloaking technology and adapt it to work at warp speed (if it doesn’t already). Or just emit a tachyon pulse from the deflector array because that shit solves everything.