
What does Elon know about great humor?

Because it’s not the authors job to know Chinas auto regulations, that’s why.


How are you getting to that “decent paying job” if you don’t have a car?

That’s getting better, but really you’d want to do the Yosemite Sam walk while firing off your guns in the air...for good measure.

Just walking to work instead of rolling coal the whole way there makes you a “librul”.

HNN investigated the case, compiling information from Fepuleai’s arrest documents as well as video and audio footage from the officer’s body cam, which the patrolman turned off at one point — a violation of the Honolulu Police Department’s arrest procedures.

I don’t mind the lawyers doing their job. They knew they probably had no chance but put together the most plausible defense they could. That’s what a good lawyer is supposed to do.

Robots can’t unionize.

I can’t even imagine what it’s like being one of the idiots that thinks “more guns = less shootings”. Maybe you can fill me in?

That being said, I do wish CP and AA had deeper integration and could adjust A/C and other functions. Manufacturers would never let that happen, however.

“Studies” ...Study, one.

And how do you see the alternative going? Ban guns, and then what?

How does law enforcement keep a murderer from breaking the law and becoming a murderer?

And apparently the victim didn’t even have a gun on him, the cops just said he did until the neighbors pulled their security camera footage.

It’s time for smaller cars to evolve as well.  Make them lower and wedge shaped on all sides specifically to flip over large trucks that would hit them.

I hate car dealers but they at least do not shoot you when you drive off.

I can crush your head with a cinder block, I’m large enough that it would be very easy to do so. Maybe we should ban cinder blocks. Let’s ban cars too, because whenever some idiot decides to ram into a group of people and take out 12-15 at a time, clearly that’s the car, and not the idiot controlling the car.

But feel free to tar millions of responsible, law-abiding gun owners with the same brush you use on the mass-shooting maniacs, insurrectionists and wannabes, and garden-variety criminals.

I love how you framed “hundreds of rounds of ammunition” as a totally normal thing to carry in your car.