
The problem wasn’t the jedi using their power, it was the jedi aligning themselves with one side of the conflict (the Republic).

just barely under 3% and far from 2%.

What will he name his other kids? Miller? Atkinson? Diesel? 2-Stroke?

Seriously though - GoFundMe seems to be the Right’s “I have been affronted, please give me money” center.

Side note, after meeting people who assemble aircraft components, i generally dont want to fly on aircraft

If they had an “aggressive” button that changed the CVT’s dynamic to go to higher RPM faster, I would use that instead.

The point is, in the US a cop would have shot the van to death for failure to comply and because the cop was in mortal fear of the black tires on the van.

But if we don’t spend money on defense, who will? And I mean that literally since we, the US, spend more on defense than the next 5 countries. The US makes up about 1/3 of all defense spending in the world.

As they say in Canada: “It’s better to say sorry, then say sorry.”

You can inset it without cutting the hole.

Its not about being faster. Most mini vans have 250+HP, everything is fast. Its about fun. I’m not drag racing, so I dont really care if my shift is .4 seconds slower.

Hell, AWD and 200HP would be fine by me.

You also need an Iron Curtain will.

I find the Lancer CVT to actually be pretty good.

The deer was just tired.

Like windmills. Aren’t they great? Free electricity from wind! Except that they kill tons of birds...

The video shows a 10 year old child explaining how everyone cheats.

Surely you can’t be that naive. “Rewarding cheating” isn’t a conscious decision that people make.