
If it makes you feel any better, I also find your comment stupid and pathetic. Next time try and make a point of some sort.

You must be a history buff!

If only we had some kinds of “jobs” president who wanted to bring back American manufacturing jobs that could work out some kind of deal... oh well.

This about ACTUALLY making health insurance affordable — as opposed the Obama version where you can’t afford the thing you’re required to buy.

Not only its missing mass producing capability as a brand

He probably still lives with his parents too.... millenials.

To be honest, *I* could build an electric car with ungodly acceleration in my garage for less than a Tesla, it would be fast but trashy (like a Geo Metro Hellcat).

1. It’s not an illusion that an Elio is safer than a motorcycle.

Even IF production was possible. Side impact will be lethal. Even roll cage member bends when hit hard. When the opposite side of the Elio catches you, you get “CRUSHED.”

Because “decent” used cars are still more expensive, cost more to operate, and cost more to maintain. Also, used cars are still only single-occupant vehicles during the morning commute.

Tesla established themselves as a real company, and then grew. Elio seems to think they are going to go from daydream to a GM competitor in a three-wheeled niche vehicle.

The Ottomans left Serbia long before the Yugo appeared.

In business school you’re taught to operate a company with the shareholder in mind first. Theoretically, if you’re running a large public company properly everything else will fall into place. Happy employees will be loyal and serve your customer base well. Happy customers mean more returns, and happy

I understand that, I would also think this case is a high-payout slam-dunk.

These can run on human fat...and I’m pretty sure girls of all types would dig it! Stick with the fat chicks, though...they get better fuel economy.

You mean that “innocent until proven poor” isn’t the basis for a solid justice system?

In many cases, I bet that’s true (and sad).

As much as I think our society is over-litigous, that’s prime material for suing everyone, the police department, the school board, and the family.

The cost of prescription drugs are going up.