Is this like what was happening in Scandal?? Scary!
Is this like what was happening in Scandal?? Scary!
Hey—I am a child of the 80's and we all read Flowers in the Attic too! This is one old-school book.
Thank you SO much for this. I found out I had a brain tumor when I was 34. I have 2 young children. The chance that I will still be alive when they are teenagers is very slim. When I hear people bitch about getting old, it makes me so angry...try being in your 30's with a terminal illness and then tell me again…
I know! When they told me it would take a (relatively) long time to get my screen replaced, they just gave me a brand new laptop! It was a several years newer version too. The BEST customer service!
You know, I've witnessed him driving on the freeway here in LA before, and all I can say is that it is a miracle that he is still alive...
Hahahaha! That'll be the day.
Ahhh! I thought that too! Creepy O_O
Ive gone a couple times and it's kind of corny, but really fun. We won 8 tickets at a school auction, and can't wait!
Who ALSO looked like she'd had a lot of work done on her face...
Thank you for this! Our country eats entirely too much meat, and actually too much protein. I am vegan and I can't even tell you how many people are concerned about how I get my protein. How do elephants and horses get their protein? The same way I get mine...
Warrant went to my high school!!
USD is a Catholic, not surprising.
So a new commenting section again? I kinda liked the one before...
Agree—she is stunning!!
I miss the side bar too! Bring back the side bar!!!
I went to college (and am from) California, but one of my best friends from college was from Texas. The first time another California friend and I visited her at her home, she had a bunch of these pinned to her wall. She tried to explain, but it was the weirdest thing I had (and have) ever seen...
There are a whole bunch of places she could move in the US where there are no paps—she doesn't have to stay in LA. No reason to move to France if she is going to use that argument.
Also, this is how underage models can wear really skimpy undergarments without feeling too exposed (as explained to me by a friend who works on VS photoshoots...)
Exactly. I do hope that people are more than one-issue voters, but the amount of hatred that comes out of the Romney/Ryan campaign is staggering.