Big Cousin is always watching.
Last time a German entity tried to deceive the French it took a huge Reich turn.
Listen bro. I’ve been around Hollywood for a few years now and I can tell you how to make a proper Herbert movie.
BMW thinks on so many levels, it’s a miracle us muggles can understand it.
So is not using them :p
Ironic they would remove the manual transmission but keep the turn signal stalks.
...maybe it was a training error.
Yeah man, body armor is a bitch to maneuver when you get in your lambo.
My 1989 Honda Accord with 300,000+ miles on it that I bought for $200 had its front driver brake pad fly off in the Garden State Parkway while doing 65.
Yes, his business is doing well and would do better, I’m not arguing that. This is the same game ALL lobbyists are playing. But you cannot ignore the fact that our president believes that there is no human impact in our changing environment.
I think the guy believes in the better of humanity and wanted to try and sway the bald cheetoh. Unfortunately, if your advice is never taken, there’s no reason to be an adviser.
“Gone in 60 seconds” did it better.
Joe Bob: I will help you bear this burden, Cletus. So long as it is yours to bear.
I’m an electrical engineer major who ended up working in the computer engineering field.
Levandowski was ultimately doomed when he had no idea how to get out of this predicament and tried to google the answer. In retrospect, he should’ve used Ask Jeeves.