I'm no expert on Batman, i have little fondness for the character, but the one logo that stands out to me above the rest is the Batman Beyond one. Distinctive yet not over designed like some of the others.
I'm no expert on Batman, i have little fondness for the character, but the one logo that stands out to me above the rest is the Batman Beyond one. Distinctive yet not over designed like some of the others.
Could be worse.
Looks like the Turtles creators are also sufferers of Roddenberry Syndrome: For those unfamiliar with the tragic disease it is where a creative type has one good set of ideas and then every future idea is complete crap. Sufferers include Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas.
Did i say that you should?
It wouldn't be as bad if they were at least fair about it. Ok sure, blame X shooting on Game Y for influencing the killer. But then shouldn't they be praising Game Z, a title about cooking say, for the wonderful meals served at Popular Restaurant A?
Only 3 showings. Went alone to the first, then ended up invited to two more by friends. Still not seen it in 3D though, i wear glasses and using the specs tends to give me a banging headache.
I don't know the man, so i don't have strong feelings towards him one way or the other. I do however know what i enjoyed. As for critics and box office, i guess that makes 'Titanic' the best film ever made then.
That's not what you are doing though is it. Were you merely going to avoid seeing the next two, then i wouldnt care nor would anyone else.
Spider-man is currently licensed to Sony, but your point stands.
If he doesnt carry it around with him then he's got no chance of having it signed by Randy Jackson.
Pretty poor analogy, but whatever floats your boat. Most people tend to judge films on their own merit, but i'm sure your method works just as well.
Your actual experience...of a single film, which isn't the other two films. Oh well, at least you'll save money not buying tickets.
Start a folk parody duo and sing some songs about it to get his attention? Worked for Brett McKenzie.
Overlong? Hardly. But please, don't let me stop you moaning about it being 3 films, 2 of which you haven't seen but still declare to be unnecessary.
Watching a great film more than once is being courageous and resilient now? The popcorn wasn't great but i wouldn't go that far.
Every stunt artist is officially mad. And all desperately need far more credit than they currently get.
And yet if it were only one movie, with half the story missing and all the stuff about Dol Guldur gone, i guarantee there would be even more complaints about how Jackson was "butchering" the book.
I'm hoping they go on to form a boy (dwarf? Beardling?) band, loved the Bilbo Hates song and the brilliant Over Misty Mountains Cold rendition. I'm in danger of wearing out the CD on those two tracks.
The film is great. Don't let negativity lingering from the decision to make it 3 movies sway you. It hits all the right notes, every dwarf gets a moment to shine, it has the humour and heart of the book. The extra material is just that, extra, don't get hung up on it because the story you love is still being told.
As opposed to the first hour of Fellowship were we hang around the Shire meeting Hobbits before a little action leads to another half hour meeting elves and a couple of guys?