
You mean the Rabbit sled chase that had audiences laughing and cheering in every showing i've been to?

How is the film getting bad reviews, its frickin' amazing.

If a film about Dinosaurs trashing L.A counts, then surely 'Phantoms' should. What's more apocalyptic than the "Devil" that wiped out the Dinosaurs and more coming up for a snack?

If you followed Tolkein lore, like myself, you would know that the Giant Eagles are actually the distant ancestors of the current Ryanair managerial team. As a result, like Ryanair flights, their idea of flying to a destination is to drop you off 3 cities away from where you wanted to be.

Same. I pass over a suspension bridge on my commute, i know i have to in order to get across a river, but i can never, ever remember going across the bridge.

Because the aliens don't want us taking pictures of them saturnbathing topless, duh.

As someone who suffers from anxiety attacks, i should not have read this article.

I would also recommend 'Star Trek The Lost Era: Serpents amongst the Ruins' by David R. George III. It completely redeems Captain Harriman and illustrates why he was chosen to command the most famous ship in the fleet.

Judging by their last effort, you're providing more explanation than the film will bother to.

I think you'll find it was actually Adric in a spaceship that wiped out the Dinosaurs.

Funny story for the 2 people who don't know: The Reaper horn is the sound of a rusty bin lid being closed.

Also, anyone who claims Crystal Skulls to be authentic artifacts has no business calling themselves an archaeologist. It's an insult to myself and everyone i studied and worked with in the profession.

Thats what the Illuminati want you to think.

That's not a flaw of science, its your misconception of what science is.

I am the only one who clicked this article wondering how deaf people being able to state their Age, Sex and Location would change how they do science?

Sod Gordon Freeman, that's too unrealistic.

Hmm lets see...."Please..wash....hands....after use.."

Nothing is worth watching Skyline for. Believe me.

You can say that again.

Indeed. They should have gone with The Hobbit: Watson Vs. Dragon-Sherlock.