"Is Professor X a pathological liar?" Yes. It's one aspect completely true to the comics.
Because it happens and he is empathizing with those unfortunate enough to suffer such an event?
I thought that was a universal truth that didn't require voicing. I heard NASA includes a copy on its probes as an illustration of all that is good about humanity.
Simon Pegg was awful. The film went from being marginally exciting to slamming still the second he was introduced, and never built the momentum back up. The rest of the crew were brilliantly cast, and i have nothing but praise for Karl Urban's McCoy.
His whole "my wife and kid died on my planet" schtick was supposed to let us emphasize with a villain who had less than five minutes screentime.
We really aren't. The only positive thing i can say about the reboot is the casting was well done, aside from Simon Peggs lamentable turn as Scotty. And Nero had the same failings everyone lambasted Shinzon in Star Trek Nemesis for: Nonsensical motivation. Arbitrary relationship to a character. Technobabble Of the…
If Nero,Abrams previous attempt at a villain with sympathetic motivations is anything to go by, i wouldn't get your hopes up.
So what your saying is the world will end on December 4th 292,277,026,596? Got it.
They don't look very pointed to me.
We'd have jet packs.
One hears voices in their heads telling them to do things. The other are schizophrenics.
Another piece of evidence supporting my hypothesis that Doctor Who is actually a documentary.
In most cases i fail to see the distinction between the two terms.
Working from home can be very productive, once you've overcome this initial problem.
Yes, unless you are a creationist. In which case it's only a transitional species if it has the head of one species and the body of an entirely different species.
Since you are the individual in the picture, i will take the opportunity to say well done for being a thoroughly decent person and helping people without any thought for reward. If there were more people like yourself, we'd live in a better world. Plus we'd all have kickass Trooper armour.
Even if it weren't being done for charity, i fail to see how this is any more "degrading" to the franchise than say Darth Vader helping to sell Toasters in a Woolworths ad in 2008, or Yoda on a pringles can, or the pair of them turning up in an unrelated sub par fighting game.
Why? Just Why?
And yet the article still remains unedited.