
Who cares what a fictional character wants? I'd rather ensure our species survival long into the future.

Mitt Romneys Left Testicle, those things are even more terrifying without the skin on.

Malekith in Thor predates the Warhammer Malekith. Best i can reckon it, Ol' Mally doesnt get mentioned in the Warhammer background until around 1992, whereas he appeared in a Thor comic in 1984.

But can homosexuals whistle?

We'd all prefer that, but whilst Tiger poaching continues there is a fair chance that cub wouldn't survive in the wild.

He's getting his own videogame, so yeah i'd figure he's safe for at least another season.

Jack was supposed to be in 'A Good Man goes to War', but scheduling conflicts prevented it.

It was renamed Apatosaurus, not Brachiosaurus. But your point stands. I shall be petitioning my local museum to change the information plaque in front of its Megalosaur skeleton at once.

I still don't think we needed a remake, but it could have been far worse than this looks i suppose.

Type "Mayan" "2012" "Conspiracy" "Illuminati" "NWO" into the Youtube search box. Then you'll encounter exactly the kind of people who think this kind of crap is a work of science.

It may just be my perverted imagination, but half of those names sound like euphemisms for sex acts.

Still more coherent than the voice at the Drive-thru.

Well i suppose you could blind yourself staring at the screens for a long period without blinking, but really spring launched missiles are way more efficient and fun.

Wow kids toys today are crap. I bet those things wouldnt even take someones eye out.

Arrow was surprisingly good. I was expecting something on the level of Smallville maybe, but this was actually much better. I'll be certainly be tuning in for the next episode.

Feck Tara, i'm still pissed about Doyle.

Man, i love science. Just when you think you've seen it all, Paleontologists dig up something amazing like this.

Thats not art, thats being a dick. Unfortunately Art critics have now ventured so far up their own arses that crap like this is applauded. Were i the studio that produced Looper, i would sue over loss of revenue from the people who now won't see the film because its ending has been spoilt.