Correction, Every show should have two bookishly hot redheads. It should just be the standard in television.
Correction, Every show should have two bookishly hot redheads. It should just be the standard in television.
Have to agree with you. The Federation is at war with the Borg, they have been ever since they first bumped into them at J-25. Theres no such thing as a Borg non-combatant or civilian, so it was a military target destroyed in the course of a war.
From what i understand it's a sequel in that its set in the same universe post Origins, but it doesnt carry on any of the themes and plotlines from the previous movie.
For a second there i thought Kenya was handing kids copies of 'Save the Pearls'.
I am never, ever, going to Guam. Add an abundance of Wasps to that place and they may as well rename it the Island of Spider-popes Fears.
No atheists by definition is a lack of belief in gods. That is literally the definition, go look in a dictionary.
Fine doing so, as long as theists stick to it to and dont insist on their doctrine being taught as a viable alternative to science and don't start rioting when i dont follow the rules of their religion.
Would you like to join me this weekend in enjoying my hobby of not collecting stamps?
Is not collecting stamps still a form of hobby? Is not drinking a form of alcoholism?
You mean like the hobby of not collecting stamps?
Well thank goodness you are here to tell me what i do and do not think. And here i thought i'd have to work out what i do and don't believe all by myself.
Evidently you've never met an atheist then. Atheists don't believe in gods. Which is not the same at all as believing there is no god.
Does it require religious zealotry to not believe in Santa?
I don't think if atheism were accepted it would splinter into subsets and cause wars.
Slight error in the article: Atheism is not the belief in the non-existence of gods, it's the absence of belief in gods. After all would you say you belief in the non-existence of unicorns? It is no more a belief than not collecting stamps is a hobby.
Well having seen a UFO (a group of three actually) my reaction was first "what is that?" followed by "How are they doing that?" and then finally getting a bit unsettled by them having flown over my house.
Would it have really been more effective to kill Rory or his dad though? The Doctor had just demonstrated aboard Solomans ship that even with the threat of violence against the Ponds, he'll still disobey Soloman. It's not uncommon for people to assume others think like they do, that they have the same priorities. It's…
As a former manager of a store belonging to the now defunct Threshers group i can say you are absolutely right about the grocery store. Theft does indeed go down thanks to the security measures, but so do sales.