
If you fell off of your horse, you'd be liquified upon touching the ground.

Yep, this right there. I think it definitely signifies some kind of tangible passion towards gaming as a whole, if the project creator embraces not just their own project, but the core conceit of what Kickstarter should mean for people passionate about games development.

I completely agree with what you said about concept art not equaling proof of concept, but I definitely also agree with your statement about your "nitpick". Strangely enough, I share your sentiment and I will always click on the project creator's profile to see what they've donated to. If theirs is a new account, most

If someone were forced to use a tennis ball to go bowling, and then said, "man, it's really hard to knock down pins with a tennis ball," would you tell them to stop complaining and get some skill? Because that's basically what you did there.

Great job reigniting the fires of that whole "sexism in games" debate as tactlessly as possible. I haven't read the interview you referred, but then again, it's pretty clear you ignore the rest of the interview because the quoted segment was the only context needed for the purpose of this article. In doing so, you

Nuts? Poop? Keep going, you're onto something.

Sorry if I come off as if I'm bristling for an e-fight, not my intention :/

I'm starting to get the feeling that you're trolling, but I'll bite.

That's what happens when you spend $400 on a case.

He doesn't just like his 3DS, he loves it. He lurves it. That's why—hey, don't look now, but it's now the best gaming machine out there. And it's his opinion, so it's all good and everything.

Understood. My point is that he posits an opinion but then does nothing to back it up. I have no doubt the 3DS is a great system, but his criteria for what makes a great system are far too broad and could be applied to the PC as well, which is what Stephen's response was specifically referring to and I was

I agree with all of that, definitely! Also, I think we need to stop enabling Squeenix's insane monetization schemes on iOS, but that's just a personal opinion.

The 3DS looks more and more enticing by the minute, so I do appreciate the content of this article as someone who is contemplating picking up a 3DS XL. What some of us (judging by some comments) don't appreciate is the all-encompassing nature of this article's title. You made a case for the 3DS "coming together quite

We're on PCs right now, but we're not gaming because of jobs and all that.

Yeah, I don't think you backed up your reasoning at all there.

I'm on board with the project. Let me know if you need an ideas man.

Because literally no one has mentioned this, mods.

Which PC exclusive games are you referring to? There are a lot of indie titles exclusively on PC thanks to Steam that don't have insane visuals because they're indie.

I don't know about that. I think the "if" in your statement is a really big if. Unless there is a top-down integration of gamification throughout all sectors of "grown-up" society, I can't imagine people that have heretofore relied on badges and achievements, or whatever arbitrary construct, to have any kind of

That explains a lot, actually.