
Well yes and no. My premium plan included streaming to 4 devices at a time. Now Netflix changed the way it describes it’s service and the 4 devices need to be in the same household. Not a problem but it’s not for me so I cancelled my subscription.

simple as that.

No, I pay for a plan that specifically in the fine print says, “Watch on 4 different devices at the same time with Premium.” Nowhere in that particular fine print does it specify that those 4 devices have to be located in the same place.

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that Google’s C-suite employees will not be participating in desk sharing.

So much work just to force people back into the fucking office. What a waste.

Netflix just can’t seem to decide on the best way to keep users using the platform.”

But could they make moon whaling possible?

That’s nice. The merger still shouldn’t be approved though.

It may be impossible ever again for a franchise releasing its 36th movie to feel like it did when releasing its 6th movie.

The best stories have an element of truth in them.

Those are “gut” copies. I worked there for 10 years. They have to be able to put a case on the shelf so you can look at the game’s box, read the back, yada. BUT they can’t leave a $50-60 new game in the box lest someone steal the game in the box. Their solution is to keep the disk from the display box (the gut copy)

Because the fanbase is super welcoming to new ideas and approaches to their favorite franchies.

The problem I see with retail, is that they are in competition with online storefronts, but they NEVER try to capitalize on what makes them different and then simply complains that online stores are making things hard for them.

This simply shows that the people running those companies have NO CLUE about what people

I was re-hired 2 years ago after 10 years gone and was paid $10 per hour as a third key. That was the same rate of pay 10 years ago when I originally worked for them. lol

Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

Yeah well, that’s also how the stock market works. The only thing that moves a stock price is people buying and selling it, and what influences that is heavily manipulated. The only thing this WSB nonsense has really done is reveal all the supposed “market intelligence” for the smokescreen it was.

Agreed. The money saved (gas, food, etc) working from home FAR exceeds the value of a couple slices of room-temp pizza once a week

Yeah, my company has started organizing social events after hours and I remind them that I have a family and a 45-minute commute. They can get pissed all they want that I’m not accepting their “gratitude,” but don’t blame me for not wanting to waste even more of my time away from home.

I disagree with this. I’m a well-paid professional, trying to lure me back to the office with coffee pods and snacks is insulting, I can provide these things for myself. Also, I don’t need forced social events at the office. I have my own social life outside of work. 

So.. what do you like better about Win10? I upgraded my gaming PC to Win11 months ago, and my Surface Pro came with it. It’s fine. It’s really not that different from 10. 

Windows 11 - Joining the long and distinguished ranks of Window Me, Vista, and 8 in the Order of MS OS’s Nobody Wanted and Nobody Used.