I mean Google hasn’t updated the app since 2017, so...
I mean Google hasn’t updated the app since 2017, so...
He tells Forbes that he plans to create a museum featuring his vast collection of video game consoles and arcade machines.
All? Maybe not. But EA, Activision, Ubisoft, they certainly do. And the others will then sell their games to the highest bidders.
I mean if you look at video streaming, we went from Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video, to endless individual streaming services by all the broadcasters/movie studios who want in. Its the same thing here - they’ve done it with storefronts, and there’s no lucrative monthly subscriptions there. It can't be sustained,…
Pay off the larger one with higher interest. It might feel better to clear off the smaller one and be like ‘one down, one to go’ but it’ll cost you more money to do so purely because of the higher interest.
But you couldn’t. You needed to pay for Sun and Moon, and X and Y, and Ruby and Sapphire, and probably a couple of DS games too. Or, pay for one, and trade for the rest.
Reminds me of the ‘look how bad asthma inhalers are for the environment’ bullshit.
Yeah but you can design it for scalable text size - a bit like how websites are built for responsive design to scale across phones to computers.
Yeah but the Xbox 360 was also always shown vertically, but worked perfectly fine horizontally.
I mean its not like other companies don’t have that issue - GTA 4 isn’t the 4th GTA in the series, that’s GTA Vice City. The Xbox One isn’t the first Xbox.
“This is Oliver from Earth-102938. The only difference between his and yours is that he pours the milk first, then adds cereal. I know, I don’t get it either.”
And he did, in this episode alone.
Yep, that and to explain why the future they went to looks very different to the futures shown in Arrow. Though I could also accept ‘the timeline changed’ - we saw the Crisis move forward 5 years and thus wipe out Nora, so I could have easily gone with ‘yep, timeline is fucked’. I don’t really see why they thought the…
In the UK we ban docking and declawing because we consider it inhumane to do that to an animal.
I mean it was coming out around Cyberpunk and FF7, so honestly not having this out too is fantastic news for me as I don’t have to choose!
> The original version of this story read “Civilization 4;” this has been corrected.Kotaku regrets the error.
More and more these days have laptops rather than desktops. They're unlikely to be gaming laptops as they're too expensive to be worthwhile. So the likelihood is they got a console for gaming, and don't really want to game on a mid range Dell without a mouse.
Cool. What's your address and phone number? If you've got nothing to hide...
Black and White freaked me the fuck out with that. The voice that said it was the same whisper as when someone died and it went "deaaaaath". Now imagine that said a lot, interspersed with your name, at 3am. Yeah...
Your cavity, my cavity, Elba is designed for everyones cavity!