
If you don’t care about the remote features of this system, and just want data from your car such as HP, torque, engine temps, error codes, etc, you can buy a $10 bluetooth ODB2 dongle on ebay and pair it with a number of different apps such as Torque. $10-20 and you’re set. I’ve used this set up for years to get

I’ve had AWD for 5 years in Omaha, NE. We get plenty of snow, but the problem is that I am never able to really experience it. I live and work 2 blocks from the most heavily plowed road in the state. By the time I’m done shoveling our driveway so my gf can get her Camry out, the plows have taken away all that fun

I’ve driven one of these for the past 5 years and love it. AWD+Speed and the versatility of a hatch.

In the small, less significant circles of knowledge that myself and my associates have been fortunate enough to know a thing or two, I have constantly witnessed experts on subject matter to be the biggest haters of them all. Their high knowledge level gives them the false assumption that they have thought of

I WFH about once a week. From the comments below I have gathered that everyone has a different system. That’s great. I would emphasize that you only need to pay very close attention to your productivity and effectiveness while trying different things. If a boss/co-worker knows you WFH, they will be more likely to

To me, this is similar to a movie critic not revealing the plot in a review. It’s a professional courtesy. The fact that we’re talking about mere minutes or seconds only reflects the immediacy of the culture we live in, and shouldn’t matter. If I were running ESPN’s draft coverage, I’d have a fenced-off section on the

I brushed with my brothers kids diaper rash creme one time.

The mobile site and the regular site are the same site. Resize your browser window on a desktop/laptop and you'll see the layout change dynamically. Shrink your desktop browser enough horizontally, and you'll see the mobile site. More and more companies are going this route as it reduces maintenance and ensures

It's not about prioritizing the desktop or mobile experience. It's the idea that all of this is blurring into so many different fuzzy categories that it'd be naive to think that they simply have to choose between desktop or mobile. What about 2-in-1 convertibles? What about 55" TVs? What about touchscreen desktops

The FXFL tried 35 yard(from the spot) XPs last season. I saw first-hand how long XPs can kill the vibe. After a late 4th quarter drive by Florida that ended with a 4th down TD with just seconds remaining, the kicker botched the 35 yarder. It didn't feel right.

This is my daily driver. Love it. Got a high-mileage example 5 years ago for $6k.

I'm at work, in climate control, taking giant gasps of air right now.

To be that guy on the wing.

Pro teams do it all the time, albeit with a few differences. Benching star players at the end of a game. Benching star players at the end of the season. Giving star players a break during the middle of a long season (mainly baseball). These are all trade-offs where a coach will accept immediate defeat in exchange

Agreed. It's pure strategy. The system is clearly the problem, and somewhere, someone is just pissy that their flawed bracket is being exposed. I wouldn't pay the fine.

Yeah, I grew up in, and still live in, Omaha. Those were most likely E-4s, or as we used to erroneously call 'em as kids, "looking glass." Still an awesome scene.

mediocre record

As a Husker fan: These stats simply show that more top RBs are playing the Huskers. Duh.

As a Husker fan I can back this up. When you do the math, we could quite possibly win out, then face OSU in the championship game, which would be a top 10 matchup at that point. If we somehow made it through that game, we'd be a 1-loss team(coming off a top 10 conf champ victory) in a sea of teams with 2+ losses.

As a 3-year user of Chromebooks, here's my checklist for buying a Chromebook.

As a 3-year user of Chromebooks, here's my checklist for buying a Chromebook.