


To my knowledge, no other gaming platform in history has charged users for the ability to play multiplayer online. Individual games, sure, but not entire platforms. Not PC, not Android, not iOS, not Nintendo, not Sony. Why is nobody else talking about this? What premium service does MS think they're offering?

I did the same thing. I don't think he kept his foot on the bag, but who knows. It was VERY close.

That's what she said.

The love child of a Jaguar XJ6 and a Datsun Roadster. Gimme gimme gimme! I need! I need!

Yeah..I tried. My eyes won't leave the center part of the screen. I'm ok with that. :-)

I watched this video 14 times and not once did I see anything closely resembling a guy.....what was I looking for again?

According to the author of this story, we should exploit wild animals and treat them like shit...because they do what wild animals are wired to do....kill and eat other animals in their habitat. This includes humans. I'm glad this guy survived, but don't blame the bear.

Was curious if "flock of eagles" was the correct terminology, so I googled it and got the best wiki answer ever.

Only very slightly automotive(cars still use keys, right?), but I figured this crowd would still appreciate the mechanical engineering at play.

Very well put. Right is right. Wrong is wrong. It's as simple as that. There's a moral fork in the road for everyone who has a say in this argument. Choose wisely.

Three main reasons why video games aren't as important to me anymore.

#1. Just like most others, the reality of adult life means less free time. The little bit of free time I do have, I want to spend in other ways (see reasons 2 and 3).


I'm sure there are bigger/cooler outdoor tracks elsewhere, but if you're in the Omaha, NE area, Joes Karting is one of the few places to go...especially during the winter months as the track is completely indoors.

I don't mean this to fall on either side of the argument, but I got a lot of crap for posting a link to the beheading of Nicholas Berg on a local forum about a decade ago. I watched it, and instantly wished I hadn't. I was a younger person and I had never experienced anything like that. It had to happen at some

Glad to know it's on the books in at least a few states. That was my only gripe. The article made it out like the cop was just ticketing her for being inconsiderate, but lawful.

I rolled my ankle really bad 2 weeks ago during a pickup basketball game where I paid $6 for the privileged of getting to touch the ball 5 times and only got off 1 shot in an hour of play. I had the pleasure of dragging my ass off the court(so the game could continue) and then driving home on my own with a broken

As a democrat, aviation lover, and relatively laid-back dude...I say cut it all. Until we get our checkbook under control, we need these kind of harsh truths to remind us that we can't have our cake and eat it too.

I agree 100%. I'm scared shartless of flying, and I appreciate all the time/money that has been spent to make these beasts as safe as possible while still being comfortable and affordable and fast as hell. I could never step on an airliner if I didn't watch enough Air Crash Investigations to know how thoroughly they

We are doomed as a species.