Could you learn to love a Prius? The social science of hybrids — Road & Track
Could you learn to love a Prius? The social science of hybrids — Road & Track
Here's the kicker: it's only available in the UK and can only be special ordered through the Jota and Mazda dealer Lodge Garage in Aylesbury. Expect it to cost £29,995, or about $48,500 to us Americans. That may seem steep, but in the UK it's only a few grand more than a Toyota GT86.
Oh now, oh really no. Up! is good and A1 is good but Audi should not sully itself with such things as an Audi Up!. Leave it to VW, Audi
Good to know somebody found them. Where were they? Down the back of the sofa I expect
Brilliant. Let the conspiracy theories start. Hmmm, what was really on those train cars?
No, I'd say Americans take more pride in their cars than most of Europe and that in itself leads to high standards. I went to Rome earlier this year and wrote this…
I tried it, and I have no idea why the rest of Europe can't have the same system. The highways could take it, and people could actually get to places in time.
4.) Isle of Man
I drove the Lexus IS300h recently and found it to be quite brilliant
You'll put Sherlock Holmes out of a job with razor insight like that
Here's the complete opposite. A chap in a Caterham race oversteers and spins round on track, then tries to do a burnout to turn himself around but makes a complete hash of it and goes nose first into the barrier
I've been driving a Volvo with adaptive cruise control and an auto 'box this week. I drove 300 miles today, mainly in shitty traffic. I drove 90% of the journey using the cruise control and it was a better journey for it. My point is some complicated modern tech that is simple to use is beneficial to us car…
This looks like the basis got the perfect reality TV show.
If you've got £25k your head would definitely explode with the choice
I wondered what this tweet was all about. Good god it's ugly. Long and flat so stable but not good round corners
I wondered what this tweet was all about. Good god it's ugly. Long and flat so stable but not good round corners