
You're right. Being better than nothing does not equal good. But it does equal being better than nothing. I agree that the Catholic Church doesn't have any of our backs. But this is still progress and just because one group maybe, possibly, but not really took a step forward does not mean it's up to the rest of them

Standing up for gay men is an MRA tactic now? It just seems to me like you're mad because gay men arguably (extremely arguably) make out better with the Pope than the rest of of the group, and aren't willing to accept baby steps. I mean seriously. So gay men can... become a priest? Yay? Oh and if we want to live

Great. So do I get to talk about "yet another time when an L or B has thrown G under the bus" like you are doing here? If we're going to talk about people rounding down to the nearest sin, I am associated with a constant state of rapist risk by virtue of male gender, which is insanely problematic considering fear we

There is nothing about your comment that "should be obvious" because the Pope's position is not even completely flattering to gay men. Literally no member of the LGBT community gets a free lunch on this. You can agree or disagree that the Pope was selected for good reasons (I don't think he was), but making it out

Okay I'll bite. Please explain how the Pope being selected as Person of the Year is an example of gay men ignoring LBT. I'm especially curious about your logic for how that is exclusionary to Bisexuals.

Well, they also think he is white, because apparently its only racist to erase someone's ethnicity when conservatives do it. According to this group, Zimmerman is privilege personified. Nevermind the fact that he would qualify for most forms of affirmative action on the very premise that people of his ethnic makeup

I think what you're seeing is that many self-labeled Feminists on this site would more accurately be called "Chivalrists." That's how they are able to write stuff along the lines of, "And whom among us has known pain more intensely than that of the fair maiden, Jennifer Lawrence?"

Answer: A whole lot of people and

Who is this "cool dude" male celebrity being referred to? Surely not Richard "gerbil" Gere. Or Tom "closeted scientologist" Cruise. Or Justin "teenage lesbian" Bieber. Or the boys of One "omg this is gay" Direction. Or Kanye "Imaletyoufinish" West. Or the non-existent Asian-American male actor cast as the romantic

What makes it especially egregious is the hard line this site takes on topics like cultural appropriation and micro-aggression. They believe Miley Cyrus' dancing is a grave threat to African American identity, but that hounding this guy is vigilante justice! I keep having to walk away and come back; the fact that

Should be subtitled: Meet the Cast of To Kill a Mockingbird.

In this photo he looks EXACTLY like an ex-classmate of mine did in 8th grade. Except I ran into that ex-classmate 15 years later and he had grown up to be... a preacher. A sexy preacher. If it weren't for him 1) being straight and 2) having six kids, I might have been tempted to shag him at the reunion.

You must understand that the original poster and her library of gifs play an important function on this site. They allow white girls (mostly) to hit the star button on a thoughtless and completely counterproductive post and help themselves instantly feel better about their white guilt. This is important because it may

While that works somewhat, there are some risks with female characters that don't exist with male ones. The first is that if you make the character extremely unsympathetic (eg "typical lazy cop," "typical idiot") the audience tends to read it as "the writer is saying all women [cops/firefighters/reporters etc]are this

The View and its imitators seem to exist solely so that girls currently aged 3 through 10 can grow up one day and post about how pigeonholed their mothers were in that dark age before Fourth Wave Feminism.

I'm guessing the odds are around 50% she already had a boyfriend back home. Creepy, regardless. But man would it burn to get busted for cheating this way.

I would like to see more articles like this on this site. Great job.

Well it really depends. I have had these sorts of conversations with straight friends I am close to because we are all really rowdy. The thing about this sort of question to me is, if you're going to ask it you had better be ready to answer some really intense questions about your own sex life. And there a few

That person doesn't understand what the First Amendment actually protects. There is such a thing as Publication of Private Facts in most states. Here's a brief write up on it:

In most states, you can be sued for publishing private facts about another person, even if those facts are true. The term "private facts" refers

I was going to say. There is clean and then there is TV Commercial clean. I live like a divorcee even when coupled and any dude who made the mistake of pouting because I didn't Swiff the china cabinet is going to be single within days. Extremely clean people actually freak me out. Like, I don't entirely believe they