
So, basically:

This exact thing happened to me on the metro in San Francisco. I am White (probably? there's some wiggle room there due to two adoptions, so this conjecture is based on appearances) and actually do speak enough Spanish to understand what he was saying, but actually talking back wasn't something I could have pulled off

Exactly. It wouldn't be worth anyone's time to prosecute because other than her statement there is nothing to link her to the crime. However if she gets busted in the future, or if she ever gets some kind of child custody battle, her admissions could come back to haunt her, maybe possibly.

I think the acting was terrible but the script/writing is razor sharp.

Wow. I'm sorry that happened. Was it a case of someone trying to be sensitive and it coming out completely wrong, or was she just being nasty?

The single best line I've gotten from a straight person is:

"It's impressive how much you've accomplished despite your disability."

Although she apologized immediately after and it is kind of LOL worthy.

By far most of the nasty things straight people have to say get said before they realize I'm gay. It's incredible the

I am not a fan of either of them, but on the few occasions I have stumbled over them in the media, the one thing that does seem to stand out about them is that they seem to be in love. Neither of them is going to win a humanitarian award anytime soon but there is something to be said for that.

I have to admit I LOLed at the number of likes the "don't call him a boy" comment got. Throw him in jail without any facts... just make sure you don't call him a boy, because that would be racist! LMAO what a perfect, sad metaphor for the attitudes on this site.

Diet soda is not especially good for you, but it is loads better than regular soda. Congrats on your weight loss.

I once described Upworthy as a Hell House in reverse, because it puts the choice between the path of Heaven or Hell at the start and then ignores your answer.

Children's bed sheets + sew it yourself. Thrift stores are a great source for this sort of pattern.

Well just like I'm not planning to have an abortion (too male and too gay), or have a teen pregnancy (too old and see above), arguments about national policy extend beyond myself and into the realm of what "society in general" is doing. And society in general, while they might be persuaded to trade in sugar for an

In the sense that the abortion, HIV, and teen pregnancy debates could be ended instantly if people just stopped having sex, absolutely.

Current attitudes about artificial sweeteners reflect a "new understanding" of the chemicals in the same way that Jenny McCarthy reflects a "new understanding" of vaccines. The only good news for consumers is that these chemicals are somewhat more avoidable than vaccines are, and can be avoided if you choose to.


S/he got it by making it up. Welcome to Jezebel, where culturally appropriating a scarf pattern means you're a racist, but railroading a black dude to jail without facts means you're a feminist social justice warrior.

Don't worry. In about 10 hours we'll get another article about Miley Cyrus' dancing or Michelle Williams' pigtails to prove they're not racists, while blatantly trying to railroad a Black guy into jail.

Saints = New Orleans.

Here's the situation we're in in the 21st century: what we need to be concentrating on is getting the cost of necessities low, not focusing on the minimum wage. That would mean finding sustainability points for:
- food (particularly healthy foods)
- housing (particularly home/land ownership vs renting)
- energy

FWIW the age of consent in Germany appears to be either 14 or 15. Germany appears to use a "soft cutoff" for consent, meaning that a person over 21 can have a relationship with someone younger as long as it is not an "exploitative situation." Someone actually from/living in Germany may be able to elaborate.

Well, it's weirder than that. They believe that Black men are generally innocent and the justice system tends to railroad them unless the crime is rape, and then the system can't railroad them fast enough. There is no cross-referencing between these two pieces of dogma so they can go on the warpath about not being