
My money is on the religious lady who lives next door.

I can't help but think there's a classic showgirl/drag queen influence going on here. My drag and burlesque friends would rock these outfits. And the smiley one with the little hearts and faces looks exactly like something this former twink would have worn to a rave. They're not what I think of when I think

It seemed from the context of this episode that Nan's power is not infallible. Nan may be able to "hear" people but it seems she has to concentrate on them to get a clear reading (maybe to isolate the other voices), and even then its not perfect and they can misdirect her. I wouldn't hesitate to guess that a witch as

The OP didn't seem to be talking about this case. S/he was referring to "the notion of false rape accusations" in general.

I don't believe it was a false accusation either. On the other hand, history is riddled with false prosecutions and a statement that a false accusation isn't harmful is terrifying. The original poster seems to have deleted my comment about that, but my point was that it's kind of disconcerting that Jezebel seems to

False rape accusations do ruin lives. There is no dilemma here. One bad thing does not cancel the other. There is nothing "laughable" about false accusations just like there is nothing laughable about rape. If you disagree, you can join the legions of the people who pushed "satanic ritual abuse" on the public in the


I have always felt the term needs no introduction because what it really signifies is "undesirable in some way" or "against the natural order of things" rather than what this dictionary explains. I used to know a neo-Nazi who threw around the word Jewish in exactly the same context (eg where a lot of people say

He was trying to say "Since you can't stop an unpleasant thing from happening, do what you can with it." It's possible he was using the same sense of "rape" as in "the rape of Nanking" or Pope's The Rape of the Lock. Dictionary.com lists this definition as "an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation;

Now playing

Relevant part comes at 1:50 but great song all over anyway. :)

Actually one of the biggest threat to him walking rests with a detail about the front porch: was the property secured by a gate? There is a very similar case going on in Louisiana right now where the homeowner fired a shot at a person in his driveway. The key detail: to get there he had to climb a security fence. My

I said platitudes about rates. :P

I didn't think about penetration power, but that's a very good point. There have been several cases in my city in the past few years where a bullet travelled through a wall and hit a child. Also, at least one case where a mother was killed from three blocks away when a bullet hit her while she was stopped at a Stop

I appreciate that. When this topic first launched a few days ago nothing about the shooter was known. The facts about the murder itself were also wrong. Key details, like the two hour gap between the shooting and car wreck were left out. It's safe to say nothing except the name of the victim and the location where she

Well if I were prosecutor the first question on my mind is why a shotgun. A shotgun is a pretty damn irresponsible weapon to be wielding in the first place. But that's a whole different can of gun control worms. :)

Thanks. That's the first time I've encountered that detail.

I actually agree with everything in that article. It's a balanced call to action.

Anyway you might want to actually read the article before you respond in all caps again, because the race of the shooter is not mentioned there. The race of the shooter in a different murder is. The writer of that article was being

Sure, but the shooter could be anyone. And that's the problem here: you don't know. So if the shooter does turn out to be Black are we going to railroad him or her to jail like always? Because whatever we may think about the actual rates of murder, unfair prosecution is something we have more than proof actually

Relationship accounts for some but not all of it. A convoluting factor is that the relationship is not always tracked. In general, strangers tend to murder each other at lower rates than acquaintances and friends/family.

All of these numbers come from 2000 to 2010. For cases where the relationship is known to be

You're right it doesn't make sense. That's partly because yesterday we were told she was shot in the back of the head and now it's the face. We have very little in way of facts at this point. While certainly we need to find out more, the operative words there are we need to find out more.