
Forgive me but I have to play devil's advocate. Part of deciding someone is guilty (and we don't know who the shooter is) means double checking our evidence.

Accidental discharge of a weapon is fairly common. For example according to a fact sheet prepared by New Yorker's against gun violence:

I would say it's a mixed bag. If anything it's an opportunity to view "feminism" as broader than its usual Western middle and upper class focus. These women are fighting to survive. They illustrate a gap in the familiar concept of feminism, often posited as a battle against some kind of post-WW2 suburban housewife

This site provides some numbers. Change the drop down from USD to something else to see it for other currencies. I am not sure how reliable it is but it is very thorough.


According to this, 1 liter of milk is approx. 77 cents. There are about 4 liters in a gallon. So that almost

Seems like when I was a kid, 11-year-old boys found girls repellent regardless of what they were wearing, but whatever.

I know I did. Other boys however...

(Sidenote: How ingrained is my self hate that I considered deleting this comment, because admitting to same sex crushes I had as a pre-teen makes worry I'll come

I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
Are you somewhere feeling homely
Is someone retouching you?

I am guessing you are not Black. Sorry for your loss in any case.

I'm guessing you've never known anyone who has been murdered, because blaming the victim is exactly what happens. There are "some kinds of people" who "deserve it." The set of reasons may be different but there it is.

It's tangential to this blog post, but IMO the problem with "teaching men not to rape" is it implies the majority of rapists are people who just stumble across rape accidentally without realizing what they are doing. For some of them this may be effective. I doubt it would do anything for the majority because I

Hilariously when I was a teen we stayed away from the "kiddie" brands and went for the hard stuff precisely because we thought we were bad asses who should drink the hardcore version.

In a world with Dasani drops and Crystal light I'm surprised kids would go for the flavored beers. How to Get Hammered Without Getting Sick 101, assuming that's the intent: vodka and ice water, ordered "single tall" (meaning way more water than vodka.) If at a bar, they usually don't give you enough water, so I

Never heard of her, but the name Retta is beautiful. It has the ring of Coretta (always one of my favorite names, in my case not due to the civil rights leader as much as a young crush on a straight girl classmate), but stands alone on its own. If I'm ever cursed with children maybe I'll sweeten the deal with that

He is until you realize he was voiced by the actor who played the Greg Brady. ;) Now try to get that image out of your head. [EDIT: For clarification, in the movie version, and I had to switch out Peter for Greg.]

Chance of backfire: very high. The trolls will create fake accounts using other people's names and photos. Opportunities to cyber bully are actually multiplied, and the commenter can pin it on someone else.

I have to disagree with you. The clear intent of the original article is to lead readers to believe this is a clear cut case of discrimination. But the author didn't do any basic fact checking before launching into a political diatribe (and even more unfortunately it's a trend with this particular author). This idea

That's not how this is supposed to work. We don't need to fire a cannon down a dark hallway and hope we hit someone homophobic. This article is irresponsible on multiple levels. For one thing, to delve into the queer identity politics element, we don't know if the person who made the call is queer. There is very

I am gay. :P And just because there is a history does not make it okay to formulate accusations without evidence.

You're right. And the thing about that is I am gay. LOL. Which is why I take interest in articles like this in the first place. When this sort of accusation (and that's what it is) backfires I'm the one who lives with it. Gender parity = good. Accusing people of heteronormativity and/or sexism without any research to

The problem with guessing is you are guessing. There isn't any evidence of whether the rule is written or not, or where it came from. All we have to go on is a claim from the boy's mother that the rule wasn't in the dress code. I assume there is also nothing in the dress code about wearing a parachute strapped to your

Actually I think Faulkner might have spelled it "ya'll." My only source-not-source for this claim is Wikipedia though.

There you go, clogging up our blind outrage with stuff like facts and reason.