
Given GM's famous track record when it comes to plastics, or "precious resin" as Montblanc likes to call it without a hint of irony, and the climbing average lifespan of modern cars (currently at 11 years last I heard), how do you think this will look approaching the statistical mid-point of this car's life (assuming

DeMuro wrote an article a day or two ago about how VW introduced-niche-vehicles-that-appealed-to-no-one themselves to obscurity. Buick seems to be following the same general course only without any "street cred" to bat clean up. VW at least has a rabid enthusiast market of young tuners and fans of automotive

Volvo 240 Wagon with a manual: 6-10%

Name plate question doesn't allow for: Yes (at least not by my interpretation).

That is correct.

Doesn't account for unusual fuel/combustion types. Diesel, 2 stroke, etc. M1009 (military version of a K5 Blazer) scored the same as a Corolla.

As you climb up the rev range, the engine almost seems to hang on, just a bit, just the slightest, to the top of the tach, before quickly banging down to a lower, simulated gear. It's a bit like the whole thing is run on rubber bands, which I suppose, in a sense, it is. It's not really wrong, or anything, not in a

That's the downside to the Subaru... I don't WANT navigation, heated seats, etc. Those are things I would sell to a Scion owner to pay for a turbo kit and tires. :-)

I would expand on your premise thusly:

There are three new cars on the market period that I would ever consider owning. In order of descending cost: 911, Cayman, Toybaru. If I were to buy a Toybaru, I would absolutely buy it from Subaru over Scion for two reasons:

I don't have any need to move 4X8 sheets of plywood, but I frequently tow project cars and haul engines and transmissions. The bed of my Blazer is perfect and can't be any bigger than the small beds. In the very rare (not even once a year) occasion I need to move something larger, I can rent a trailer, remove the top

Well that's disappointing...

Nor water pump impellers, radiator crossover tubes, intake manifolds... And what is the deal with the stupid snap on engine cover things?

Still a V6 though... Boooooo!

Four (heads up display) and five (traction control) are the only features on here that are remotely justifiable. Rev matching is very borderline... Learning to rev match or even double clutch is very nice, but the long term ramifications for those not in-the-know is just that the synchros wear out a bit sooner.

I don't necessarily agree with the greenhouse part (I honestly don't think it's a hindrance), but agreed on the rest.

Learn to adjust your mirrors. You're better off without it.


Moreover, who puts a trashcan behind a car that is actively backing up/who gets in their car without noticing a trashcan sitting behind it? Be aware of your surroundings!

Holy effluvia, this!