
We (the royal, editorial or collective we) have put so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through combustion of oil and gas products over the years that we will probably have to do some sort of direct atmospheric carbon removal. Direct air capture I believe is what it is called. Current methods being touted today

I agree but the talk is all skewed with EVs

I am still mad that we have bullshit laws that allowed car makers to create a vehicle market for SUV’s to get around vehicle emissions and fuel economy so we lost station wagons, and now sedans.

Yeah, but you can deduct $0.58/mile from your taxes, so it’s pretty much a wash at that point.

Given the accelerated melting of the Arctic, these poor animals are likely to be extinct within my lifetime. You’ll excuse me if I don’t find that very calming.

Love polar bears. They were my grandfather’s favorite animal and I remember going to the zoo with him to watch them. They always make me happy.

Absolutely. And it’s so varied too. Within those 3-5 years you could bounce around between losing weight, adding muscle, getting faster/more explosive, flexibility, agility, etc. without completely losing the benefits of any of it along the way. There’s really nothing else like it.

Again, just because you find a similar car for a lower price, doesn’t mean the featured car is a bad deal. The featured car was already a bad deal anyway.

Imagine if they would have just included the image of an xc20.

French art is a little bit funkier than Italian art... and so are their cars.  Sometimes this works out to create perfection like the Citroen DS and the (original) Alpine A110.  Sometimes it makes a complete mess.

What I wish is they wouldn’t cap the Social Security wages that get taxed. If they want to keep it solvent, just tax all wages. If they still want a cap, instead charge a lower percent on wages above the limit, or start it back up again at over a million (gross) per year. Think it will hurt businesses, then do the

The problem with this kind of thinking is that the whole point of SS was to immediately provide relief for old folks. That’s several generations of old people who were probably saved from living on a street. The system as it exists now is kind of fucked up but only because the gov’t kept raiding the SS fund to pay for

That’s the joke

But, no, yeah, the economy is -exactly- where it was in February in the before times...

When I hear people talking about stuff like this, it makes me cringe. NO ONE should be investing in individual stocks until they are fully funding in a diversified manner whatever retirement accounts they have available to them.  That may mean only an IRA, that may mean an IRA and 401K.  Whatever.

Having someone (or something like a camera or a sexy robot) other than armed police performing traffic stops isn’t abandoning enforcing traffic laws.

Remember when Montana went to Reasonable and Prudent and had to go back from it because people went “oh you mean a speed that far outstrips my actual driving ability?”

nauthiz provides a good answer for this, but I’ll expand on the second point - that of money.

The range isn’t impressive if you take it out of the context of the very low price. For that price point this is an incredible range which is why they have more than 3x the orders than cars they’ve been able to produce. Obviously it’s not going to meet US crash requirements at this price but this is really meant for