
One does not simply order pizza in Mourdor's.

Dude, you missed how he (JCK) totally buried the lede in a footnote sidebar!

Every NFL logo as legos. Every MLB team as Harry Potter. Every MLS team as Transformers. Every NBA uniform in the Simpsons I guess. Something Star Wars and Sports. Doctor Who as a golfer. My Little Pony Nascar. Kickstarter this shit, nerds.

Slow. Fucking. Clap. Preach it, man.

"Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Jeff Bagwell, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Mike Piazza, and Curt Schilling"

17. Berating the help.

Where does fencing rank?

If this kid had only participated in a flag football game with starving, third-world children in some far-off, war-torn region, the NCAA would have made him ineligible and none of this would have happened. Another NCAA failure.

The DC one isn't racist enough to be recognizable.

...which they were.

Samer's a Patriots fan. But he's not an idiot, which is probably why you couldn't recognize him.

"...or I will murder your families"

Harking back to last week's stew recipe, I used anchovy paste in my pot roast on Saturday and came out with one of the best damn dinners I have ever cooked.

No, Tom, you can't get away...

Peyton Manning: What are you wearing?
Pat Bowlen: Huh?
Peyton Manning: What are you wearing?
Pat Bowlin: [wearing a black leather jacket] Um... I'm wearing clothes.
[Peyton angrily stares ominously at Pat]
Pat Bowlin: I... I don't get the question.
Peyton Manning: When you come into my locker room looking like you do,


*Butthead laugh*

Albert you are not alone on the microwave here. I don't know enough food science to know why, but any potato preparation that uses the microwave as a time saving prep method vs roasting or frying (even halfway) just always seems to turn out less tasty. Something unnatural is sucking out flavor in the microwave.

"Oh shit! I thought those were Stan Lee's underwear!"—Anon. Marvel fan

I think you are too general. Is Incognito evil? I don't know. He's an asshole, that is for sure. He needs and deserves a chance to change. If he can not or is unwilling to, then whatever happens, happens.