No worries Tom, I finished it for you.
No worries Tom, I finished it for you.
I never understood why the red Wiggle doesn't die in each episode.
I thought the term "The Wiggles" was reserved for if Joe Thornton ever scores 4 goals in a game?
[edit] The guy in the middle can drive his car through a rich neighborhood without being stopped by the police.
Dude, I didn't say use a $50 bottle of wine to cook with - that is totally stupid and unnecessary. I'm saying don't cook with Boone's Farm or the equivalent. That's basically what JC meant - cook with a decent tasting wine, otherwise your food will taste like bad wine.
My two cents: If you are making a lamb stew, switch out wine/beer for dry cider. It's delicious.
I don't normally add tomatoes to my stew but that is mostly because I don't want their brighter notes fucking up my beef stew. But, like with masturbation, different strokes for different folks.
Well said. You got me all hot and bothered for my chicken and corn chowder I got cooking on the stove right now. Oooh you're a naughty chowder, aren't you
Tomatoes! Either sauce or fresh or paste or diced. Tomatoes make even store-bought beef stock turn into an incredible sauce.
I want to read the recipe for Kyle's barely edible beef stew. It sounds like an amazing culinary achievement to mess up such a simple and tasty food. Does he boil the beef in plain water and add everything else after it is cooked? Does he toss in an old shoe to make it gross? The mystery consumes me.
Few things in life can beat a hearty beef stew sandwich, open-faced style.
Son, we live in a world that has endzones, and those endzones have to be crossed by men with balls. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Schefter? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Martin, and you curse the Dolphins. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I…
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what a waste of a great name on a terrible person
Richie Personanongrata
My Ukranian Baba always went with fresh dill. Fresh dill + garlic + sour cream is truly a match made in heaven.