It was goddamn delicious to see the pickoff after McCarver had spent at least a minute bloviating about how foolish the Sox were for holding him on first. A nummy, nummy treat.
It was goddamn delicious to see the pickoff after McCarver had spent at least a minute bloviating about how foolish the Sox were for holding him on first. A nummy, nummy treat.
No, he's getting out of the throwing path of the LFer.
I reckon it was because he saw the left fielder winding up to throw home, and was right in the path of the ball.
Salty never should have made the throw, Craig is definitely safe if he doesn't trip. Bitter, bitter Sox fan here but after an hour of stewing over it it's pretty clear to me that we deserved to lose this one in more ways than one.
I'm a sox fan and the right call was made. But the decision to throw down to third was absolutely idiotic. He didn't have a prayer of throwing him out. He should have just put the ball in Kojis hand to give him a chance to get the 3rd out.
boston should probably stop complaining about a call that isn't going to be reversed, and start making accurate throws to third base. that's twice in the series where the GW run crossed the plate on a poor throw to third. if salty makes a better throw, no interference. JUST SAYING
"Obstructing a Cardinal? Fuck the rules, Will Middlebrooks is a hero to us."
Red Sox fan here. I won't argue it. I'll mutter about Middlebrooks and Farrell, but the call itself is legit. (Dammit.)
Why did Salty make that throw? I'm seriously ready for Ross to catch the rest of the games.
First thing I thought right after the call was, "Oh boy, I can't wait for the comment section on this one."
Red Sox fan here. It was the right call. The runner would have been safe by 3 feet if there wasn't a large 3rd baseman lying down on the base path with his legs in the air.
I am a die-hard Sox fan, and that call was right. But what was Saltalamacchia doing even throwing that ball?!
Saltalamacchia threw that ball with Pete Kozma on deck, y'all. That's Puig level.
It's not because they are muslims, it's because they are assholes.
Give us Bermuda and maybe we'll think about sending them to Los Angeles instead.
Maybe Mumbles Menino is onto something. Maybe baseball will get much popular if they turned the trophy into a cup like the Stanley Cup.
For some reason, tacos have just never caught on as a gameday food. Wings, pizza and burgers/brats/other grilled meats seem to dominate that market. I assume the drop in guac is because people generally make their own to have chips and guac at gameday parties and such. Chinese getting a major bump surprised me…
REPORT: Xander Bogaerts is actually very generous. Puff-puff-pass.
I didn't serve to get bars on my arm, I served because I owed my country. The rest of it can get shoved.
If this snafu helps to eliminate the tiresome singing of this song at every nationally televised baseball game I am thoroughly OK with it.