
I dunno. See, this is why Torch is worth reading. Most of us just shit them out willy-nilly, but Jason takes the time to craft them. You just don’t see that attention to detail much anymore.

I have room for more. Keep ‘em coming.

That good enough for me.

Make web pages that hyperlink their names to this article, like Dan Savage(‘s friends and readers to the tune of millions) did with “santorum” and his website.

I’d like to note for the record that nobody’s stopping Mr. Pritchard from prancing around in a homo parade himself.  He sounds extremely jealous, but he can do it too!

Jason O. Gilbert✔@gilbertjasono

Yeah I can see where this newfangled mingling of sports and politics must piss you off. We didn’t used to have this. We didn’t have Jesse Owens sticking it to Nazi Germany, we didn’t have the NBA All-Star walkout, Katherine Switzer running men-only marathons, Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the ‘68 Olympics, Curt

What can we do that can’t be done by the other team?

You can fit a hundred and eighty four pigs on one truck???

(Are empty liquor bottles on a mantle truly a form of decor?)

Seven-year-old me thought it was a reasonable question.

I heard somewhere the term “Vanilla ISIS.”

I have no time for people who don’t like Indian food or truck tacos.

If I’m doing this I’m definitely adding a bloody mary next to that giant coffee mug.

My sister moved from my parents’ house in one of Boston’s western suburbs to an apartment in Quincy. Quincy is not only the single most undeservedly stuck-up town in the Boston area, it’s also bar none the biggest pain in the ass to get to from anywhere north or west, and has the least logical system of main roads,

This was almost spot on. Only way to improve it would have been to then link a video of Julia Child doing exactly the same fucking thing half a century ago.

the lengths the police went to paint this as a human trafficking case without any evidence. I kept reading and waiting for the moment where they were able to justify this insane overreach 

Not a single person grabbed salt-&-vinegar potato chips? Shame. Kettle chips (Kettle brand, or Cape Cod) are of course the best vehicle for this acid trip, but even regular Lays would have been acceptable.