
Early in Vietnam the U.S. Navy and Air Force lost a lot of pilots flying the then-state of the art F-4 to theoretically “obsolete” MiGs flown by pilots who knew the strengths and weaknesses of their aircraft. Training against aircraft you don’t fly gives you a better sense of what their tactics are likely to be and

Spoon in my left hand for the broth, either fork or chopsticks in my right. If I wanted noodles that I can eat with a spoon, I’d make orzo instead.

I don’t really think of those as sweet, necessarily, but you’re right and that sounds delicious.

Even though we’re on the internet I’m not going to curse you out for having a different opinion. Maybe part of me is still 12. But honestly what’s not to like? Ridiculously long noodles are part of the fun of eating ramen, just like gnawing on bones is part of the fun of eating ribs or chicken wings/drums. They make

...who doesn’t?

Cheerios can do just about anything. Tuna mixed with mayo, lemon, garlic powder (fine, not grainy), and dill mixed with Cheerios is one of my longstanding favorite bachelor meals. If you hate mayo or tuna, I can see where it’s not for you, but honestly it’s great.

Depends on the state, honestly.  The only HOAs near me are exclusively bound to those depressing condo developments - plenty of regular houses outside of their tyrannical remit.

If you like cars have any interesting hobbies or personal qualities whatsoever, don’t live in an HOA.

This is too damn hard to make a decision without considering all of your choices as one single cohesive five-topping pie. If I did otherwise I’d never be able to make a decision.

I sure don’t hate it, but really the only sweet thing I ever want on pizza is caramelized onions. Swap the mascarpone out for ricotta or those caesar-salad-style slices of parmesan and I’m there!

‘It’s the wild colour scheme that freaks me out,’ said Zaphod, whose love affair with the ship had lasted almost three minutes into the flight. ‘Every time you try and operate these weird black controls that are labeled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up in black to let you know you’ve

I’ve seen one of those movies... who’s the guy on top there?

mentioning an attraction to older men

Shatner made a doc called “The Captains,” which is surprisingly watchable (Kate Mulgrew especially is great), and if you’ve seen that, you know that Avery Brooks is... not going to be a fantastic interview subject for a Star Trek documentary at this point.

Maybe use something like “acknowledge”? “Understand,” “realize,” or some equivalent? We’re not talking about some opinion that can be debated; we’re talking about the refusal to accept a fact.

I’m just not clear on how impeachment, now, helps hang him. The Senate as currently constituted has a 0% chance of convicting him, meaning that he will crow until the end of time about how innocent he is, and people will eat that shit up (because of course every two-bit cable network will report on how he is crowing

unlike Omar, Trump has never accepted responsibility or apologized for, well, anything he’s ever said. (Like, say, rushing to boast about his building being the tallest in New York after 9/11, or lying about seeing New York Muslims cheering after the terrorist attack.)

Adding: Yes, I know the particular quote isn’t in the story in this video.  But you’ll find it if you pick up Issue #1 or the first trade paperback.  Anyone who thinks they want to be a journalist of any sort should do so.