
Why do people always have to give Junior Etou shit?! He was always the kindest kid, giving his fellow eighth graders rides to wherever they needed.

It was past him instantly. He did everything he could, made himself big and cut off the angle. No goalie in the world can react to that shot.

It must be extremely weird to be an Eagles fan these days.

"Confident Play" is the understatement of the weekend. Jesus Christo, that was muy sexy.

No doubt that late on a Friday afternoon, when no one is paying attention, the NFL would air its dirty Landry.

I would enjoy your soccer coverage a lot more if it wasn't so breathlessly OTT.

"But what happens if he stays out of trouble, struggles through the first few weeks of the season, and then gets cut because he's not performing like an all-pro?"

2015 Gawker: ISIS skit on SNL tries to be a "funny" "death to America" parody, gets criticized on Twitter... "LOOK AT ALL THOSE DUMB PEOPLE NOT GETTING HUMOR!" Dustin Penner makes an ill advised rape joke... "He's a monster and rape is never funny, and I hope he gets fired from his job!" Oh, Gawker Echo Chamber,

All companies everywhere should just pre-fire everyone, you know, in case they articulate an offensive thought at some point in the future.

Technically that is a belly-to-back suplex.

High is a slang term for marijuana intoxication.

420 is a slang term for marijuana.

I don't care if either fighter is past his prime. Fun matchup and will be the first boxing pay per view I ever order.

"Smoke the pot"! Hah

Life finds a way.

As a new parent and also a Browns fan, I did the opposite and filed a restraining order to keep them away from my kid.

I would also like to be held in winter. Or summer. Or any time, really.