
Yeah that was dumb. The guy in the lion cage was dumb too, would have been way cooler/creepier if it was a lion trainer offing himself by lion at a circus or something.

I agree with you, it definitely wasn’t good but is far from the worst thing I’ve ever seen. I thought the whole forced suicide thing was creepy as hell and it seemed pretty original. Don’t get the vehement hate

I wish someday someone with no real major league future would give a terrible ump a good slap and knock him on his flabby ass.

You’re a mermaid! No wait...that other thing. Mentally ill, there we go!

No, I got that but my point is that if you get a good pocket passer, you don’t have to get another for ten years. The lack of new pocket passers to the league isn’t because of changing of the game but because good pocket passers have a very slow turnover rate due to their success. If you get a good dual-threat QB,

Roethlisberger, Manning, Manning, Ryan, Rivers, Stafford, Rodgers, Brady, Flacco all are longtime pocket passers. I don’t think they’re becoming endangered but pocket passers have more consistent success and hold onto the job for longer which is why you don’t see so many new ones, they have to wait for some of the old

He was saying it to you though.

:55, they probably could have gone with less unfortunate B.S. gamespeak.

What the fuck you mean we’re not getting a refund on our Chernobyl Cruise??? Can you SEE us?!

I guess five is actually infinity. Fuck you Einstein!

Yes I think this is it. US women’s soccer got started at the same time as most other countries while the men are about 50 years behind the curve. Plus there are a lot more options for men’s sports so you don’t get many of the best athletes.

That’s good.

A Double Down from KFC.

Yeah you fucking poor, if you want to see good soccer go to Europe? You can’t afford it? Then why do you even like the sport?

It’s less because he’s black and more that he’s stinking it up on the field and doing things like putting out his personal brand at the same time. He’s like the guy from high school who wears his letterman jacket out on the town at age 30.

The last thing running through his head was probably a concrete floor.

If it was a sport you’d think they’d have a leaderboard.

I.K. punched a man he thought was a man who was trying to trick him into a bloejob you dumbass.

I don’t know man, you don’t have to be Gordon Ramsey to know you’ve been served a shitty dinner.

Poor you.