
He means interesting, in that the way they think, talk and act, is very out there, to the point where it becomes an interesting study into a rising form of Psychosis.
It’s interesting in the same way that we all watch documentaries about serial killers, and Criptid hunters.  

He needs a mental health check too. People that act like this, there’s something wrong that needs to be addressed. And it could very likely be treatable.

Missed it by Miles.

You don’t remember because that’s how memory works.  Like, when I think of Duke Nukem 3D, i don’t see the pixelated resolution at all.  I see detailed monsters, and scenes in my head.   It’s because we didnt have the current tech that we do today.  So we enjoyed what we had, and thought it looked amazing.  Because at

I really hope the next movie’s villains will be Walugi and Wario. In fact, i’m a bit disappointed that they weren’t the rival plumbing company in the first movie. I feel like they missed a chance there.

It was a paid job though.   That’s like saying all the superhero movies are people doing cosplay. 

OR. You could not leave a toxic comment, and instead clarify to me better about what the issues are.

But they’re just full on blocking the subreddits for three days. What they need to do is let loose the dogs of war. No moderation at all, means no subreddit will be on subject. It hits the site for worse.

It looks like it fell over.  Like the stand it’s on, the plastic beams that hold it up, melted, and now it’s tipped over.

I have a statue of Venom defeating Spider-man. AND I have a larger statue of the same scene but not are zombies.
Neither are as weird as this one.

I decided to look up more about the winner. And the latest article I could find was from 2019. I think Kotaku should do a follow up with Peter.  See what the hell is going on, seeing as how Godus just recently had an update.  That’s right, it’s still going somehow.  And it’s still not the game he originally promised.  

I thought i was looking a flat tone version of No Mans Sky.  And then I saw the Skyrim NPCs chatting about as they do.  

To really stick it to Molyneux, there needs to be a seed you find, that you can plant.  And it grows along with your character.  

To eliminate the slideshow, if you shrink the window for your browser down, then refresh, it’ll eliminate the slideshow and convert to basic mode, where it’s just a long article.

That item shop money needs to go somewhere. May as well go to Megan Fox.  

I mean, the sum up of the article is to play the game like you would play any RPG video game.  The only thing I learned up there is that you can fast track out of a dungeon, instead of walk back to the entrance.  

I play Wordle, and Quordle with a friend of mine.  We play every night.  It’s fun.  I dont know if added a score card is necessary.  Let alone print it out.  

Are the items in the story findable naturally in the game? Or are they only for the store? I noticed that the store has a time limit. So I assume that everything you see can be found naturally.  

MJ can just make another deal with Mephisto.  And then eventually they’ll figure out a loophole around it again.

Here’s the thing about ai employees. Once they get the work done, and the program is running without flaw, why do you need to keep them on? The idea behind the push for ai is that they can fully do away with their workforce. The people making the ai’s are putting themselves out of work, thinking that they’re simply