
I’ve been doing that forever now. There’s so many games out already, that once you get used to just waiting a year or two to play something, it works out really well. I’m only just starting Death Stranding. It was free on Epic last week, and 5$ to upgrade to directors cut.  

Seems like, in order to make a Gollum game good, you should start with when he’s just a normal individual. Do the tutorial there, with him fishing, hunting, maybe. Farming. Interacting with friends and family. And then have the ring sequence as a Quick Time event. Then maybe there’s a battle near his home, and you

That’s fine by me.  Take your time porting the games.  I can hold off on playing the next Spider-man game, np.  

I’m not defending free to play gaming. But there’s no way that Nintendo is responsible for a child on a parents cell phone or tablet. Sorry, but I’m a parent, and every time I read these articles about parents letting their kids have access to the credit card on their devices, I only see the parent at fault.  These

not at all. Nintendo is in the business to make money. The mobile game is free to play. How do you expect them to earn revenue off their free game?  If they pummel the game with ads, you’d complain about that too.  Loot crates, of which you can choose to buy or not, is really the only viable strategy in the mobile

You know what? If i was a judge, i’d throw these cases out. The parents screwed up. They need to deal with the consequences. My phone requires my fingerprint to make purchases of any kind. My sons ipad has a password lock for purchases, of which he will never be told.
Their kid spent 170$? They should feel lucky that

LOL. Yeah, nintendo gets like almost zero dollars from me. My wife plays one game a year, pretty much, and usually it’s an RPG, so we have a switch. And our son is 6, so he’s happy with mario kart and Minecraft. That’s pretty much it. I bought the fitness boxing 2 gamefor myself. it was 70CAD.  What’s hilarious is

Exactly. Remember when everybody was gonna boycott that war game on steam? And then release day, 90% of the people in that boycott group were playing the game. A good chunk of our community are hypocrites.  And the devs know this.  They’ll just ignore all the hate, and watch the money roll in anyways.   It’s why they

Ah, but you do.  You can just not buy the game until it goes on sale.   Steam is great for that. I wishlist that 80 dollar game, and wait for that sweet sweet 80% discount.  May take a while, but I have more than enough to play till then.   You just need to change your mindset.  Start playing older games, instead of

We had these lawn darts when I was a kid.  And we were totally safe with them.  It’s crazy to think that parents out there didn’t properly teach their kids that they were dangerous.  or like... watch them while they played it.  

Just note, that it looks like you don’t need to install the base game first. It looks like upgrading grants you access to bother versions of the game as separate installs.

It was free once before too. They accidentally gave people the Directors cut. But they pulled it, and switched it to normal afterwards.
That said, directors cut is a 6.99$ CAD add on, so that’s pretty cool.

ads are on the internet?  Ublock Origin says no...

Why are these pirate people still downloading movies, when there are streaming sites for that now?  You’d think they’d know about them by now. 

Epic needs to basically emulate Discord and Steam in order to get new players to choose it over Steam as their mainstay. As far as older players... You can’t pull us away fully. No chance. Unless you’re gonna give us our entire steam library for free on Epic, there’s no way i’d leave Steam behind. Epic, so far for me

Auto-oiling might get me to actually play the game. In the first one, I stopped playing after I kept getting trounced because of the oiling thing. It was exhausting to deal with every time. Not every player wants to go through all that. I’d even recommend an option to fully remove oiling all together as a difficulty

Seagulls aren’t the worst.  They act as they do because of how humans decided to interact with them.   If you go to where there’s no feeding laws, the seagulls are slim, fast, and not bothering people.  

What I dont get though, is the game side. Do the chickens have stats? Are they auto fighting? Because if yes, then you’d just go ahead and make to to buy a strong chicken, because all the weak ones would lose no matter what. And then like, does the value of the nft magically go up whenever you win? Or is the fighting

I mean, the cubes alone would have been fine to sell. I’d might have gotten one if they didnt have a QR code on them. And if they weren’t numbered. Just a simple acrylic cube with an assassin inside. Would look nice.

He screwed himself out of the presidency completely imo (if he even had a chance).  He went after a billion dollar company.   All the other billion dollar companies are watching, and trying to decide where to invest their money.  If I was a billion dollar company, i’d stay away from the guy that would go on the attack