
It’s not fraud if it’s in the terms and conditions.  That’s why you can be banned from video games you paid for, and not be refunded.  

He had no idea, because he was in his own little bubble.  He dare not venture outside that bubble.   But then he went and bought a bunch of land outside the bubble, and he’s getting a wake up call.  

refuse to go in, and Wait to be fired instead. Collet unemployment.

A twitter tech did an interview yesterday. They said that the software is already starting to glitch, and since there’s only 1 person where there was 300, the problems aren’t getting fixed fast enough.  They’re gonna pile on until something big glitches.  So probably end of the month, twitter’s software won’t be

Refuse. Get fired. Collect unemployment.  Do not quit.   That’s what he’s hoping for at this point.  He wants the whole thing to crumble fast.  

Same reason why Netflix gets a pass. Because in the eyes of most, they were first.

This is the only Star Trek my wife will watch. That in itself is a victory, and makes this one of the best Treks to date.   Looking forward to more.  10 episode seasons is not nearly enough.

This article almost made me want to stop reading Kotaku.

I doubt it, since the writers hate the source material. They want to go in their own direction.  They prefer light hearted over serious.  Wanted to joke when roach died, instead of how Cavil made them include a memorial scene.  

The writers caused this.  I heard that they hated working with him because he wanted the show closer to the source material.  And they hate both the books and the video games.  He forced in the scene where he talks about roach, when the horse dies.   They wanted to do a light hearted comedy bit where he explains that

the terminating pregnancy bit for surgery was just an extra kick in the teeth.  man...  

Uh... Yawning is explained through observing animals. When prey yawn, they become more alert and are usually the sentry of the herd. When predators yawn, they do so right before the hunt. They’ll stretch out, yawn in more oxygen. It’s all to improve their alertness. So it stands to reason, it’s the same for us.


But then, you should also have a secondary job that’s your main focus. I mean, voice acting isn’t usually a 9-5 5 days a week job. So you’d have a primary income job as well, I assume.  

Plenty aren’t getting 6 figures, that’s for sure.  

Guess why there are so many articles about her? Because people click the link. And oh, look at that. You clicked the link too! So you added one more click. Oh, actually, each time you reply to a comment, you’re coming back to the article, so you’re constantly adding clicks to this article. No wonder the algorithm says

Nobody needs to.  You’re putting the words into your own mouth.  clap clap clap.

If a small group of employees decides on their behalf to get them better pay and benefits, without you having to individually go through confrontation with the bosses to get better pay and benefits, then I’d say it’s a positive. Quite a few employees out there don’t have the confidence to go into the bosses office

I would have much rather he acquire the license for Spore, and then make the game he original wanted.  Hell, i’d even be fine with it having this NFT crap in it, if it meant getting the original Spore out of it.  

Molyneux already has an NFT game, and he’s even sold property in it already, even though there’s literally nothing to show for yet. It sounds identical to Wrights game, to be honest.

Yeha, Kotaku is trying to create a narrative against Hale, even though Taylor was very much in the wrong here.   15K for a week of work seems like a sweet deal to me. Esp when you look at the salaries of the people working on the actual game itself.