
My understanding of this whole thing, is that Taylor was actually offered about 15,000 for 5 days of work. so 4K per day (not sure why kotaku keeps pushing that it was only 4k, when it’s been stated a bunch elsewhere that it was more). And she demanded 6 figures for the work instead, which seems ridiculous to me, as

He’s gonna tank Twitter. The entire staff should up and quit on day one, start a new social media platform almost identical to twitter.

The games that Netflix is offering are mobile games. You can buy the games on the google play store, or get them “free” with a subscription to Netflix. This isn’t like the Stadia. At least not in it’s current state. This is more like how Epic is running things with the weekly free games. The developers will get paid

she was being given 4K per day. roughly 900$ per hour. and she’d work five days. Is that still poverty wages? She was demanding 6 figures, for five days of work. I’d like you to ask the employees that are coding, and animating the game what they think.  I’m sure they’d like to show you their much lower wages. 

I’ve also read that it was 4000 per session. Which is 4 grand a day. That’s alot of money for one days work. And she was going to do 5 sessions. If she really wanted 6 figured for a voice acting role...  That seems ridiculously steep for 5 days of work.  I’d rather see more money go towards the employees making the

It’s how Nintendo sells their system. As a 40 year old, we all know that a large chunk of Nintendo’s fan base is my age. We grew up with it (though I grew up with Sega).

regarding the shower beer thing.... There’s a subreddit for that.  So yes, it’s a pretty big thing I guess.

Mods do that.   There are some pretty amazing mods for minecraft that definitely appeal to the bored of minecraft audience.  

Naw, the 40 year olds will never be in the “no new technology” mindset. We grew up with it changing, and are totally used to it. What we are over, is online socializing with random people. Most of us would rather just hang out with the friends we have.  And we dont have time for new social media venues.  Also, we got

She mentioned that he’s gone to get help in the past too.  So he’s more aware that he’s crazy, so maybe that’s why?   Probably no need to create a conspiracy over this. 

She never mentioned divorce.  She said he’s getting help.  Sounds like she’s sticking with him.  For now.

Bombas socks also have a guarantee too.  I only had to use it once, when a seam tore a couple weeks into having them.   Otherwise, I just buy new ones from them when they wear out after a year or so, because I want to support the business.  They’re like the only socks that dont annoy the shit out of my toes. 

To craft easily, just go onto your freighter.   Once there, it gives you full access to every inventory you got, as long as it’s findable on the freighter (like you need to make sure you have all your storage containers built on it to see the stuff in them).  

The whole show was a wild ride.  The ending was clearly no different.  I havent decided how I feel about it yet, but I did enjoy it for the most part anyways.   Looking forward to seeing what they’ll do with the Hulks next. 

Why do videos on Kotaku never let me use the controls? Like, I can only ever hit play and pause. There’s no access the the timeline.

I assume yeah. He’d need to confess. So he likely got away with it. Though, maybe police pressure would get him to confess and return what he can.

Sounds like when we were on the school playground playing marbles. And a kid wins all my marbles. I was crying. Went to the teacher. And the teacher made him give me my marbles back.

So we’re clear.  This guy won multiple tournaments in a row recently.  Won a boat, and something like 100K$ over that time. So yeah..  Fraud.  Jail time. 

Weirdly enough, this morning I needed to translate something my mother in law wrote from mandarin to english, and when I clicked the translate app, it said it wasn’t installed. But it was definately in my app list. I went to it there and it ran fine. Deleted the old shortcut icon, and put a new one in it’s place, and

Yeah, the additional eyes immediately takes away any and all nostalgia that they were going for.  It ruins the intended design.