
whoa, too far.

That was literally my favorite part.

ah-ha, I see. Thank you, lesson learned.

Okay, okay... maybe I have contracted some kind of disease that has disabled me from "getting it" but hear me out here:

Been there, done that.

Cool stuff, the magic of technology allows us to see things we would otherwise miss.

As Michael said, Christmas is the season of giving and I'm a panda bear. Also, $475 hr/or something.

One can only wonder how much money their aunt's brother makes, whether it be $97/hr or $10,500 last month, and how I too can get in on this easy money. For all we know, the Comment Crew is responsible for dat gawker spam also.

Can I request that you please point out the bias in this article that warranted the comment "God damn apple-fan blog writer"? Just curious, because I'm pretty sure its impossible and that you need to take a chill pill.

Some of those don't have a good excuse behind them, but a few of those pictures actually are referring to "badwords" and another seems to be an actual user's directory. Not to mention, the slurs that were found here are likely dwarfed by the slurs found elsewhere, in places that are visible without digging into

That's some sweet blanket profiling right there.

*rendered images


Liberal Arts Degree.

Capacitive screens rely on multiple points that are close together to generate a point (more or less). A big nub is required (like your finger) because your finger technically presses down in a lot of places, and then it is determined where you meant to press based on those points.

Well, I guess I don't actually want lunch today.

Crappy tablet sold by a Christian bookstore != Christian religion sells official tablet. Just a friendly reminder, before this article inevitably spins out of control.

Amen to that.

I'm most interested to see whether or not Chrome will use Webkit (as required by iOS) or if the processing is offloaded to servers (like Opera Mini)...

Based on several liveblogs (Engadget, for one), I believe this sign is already unveiled. There are liveblog pictures of this sign.