
Name calling, nice. Keep believing the constantly lying U.S. government and media. They would never mislead you.

It's not opinion. The three WTC buildings were imploded into their own footprint. Plenty of video of it.

Thought you were referring to WTC attack. I'm not the only one who is skeptical of a plane having crashed into the pentagon and it doesn't make me a loon. Wanting to see video evidence of something that happened at a place with plenty of surveilance cameras in order to believe it isn't crazy. Thanks for the name

Planes were flown into the two buildings, which were then imploded in a controlled demolition along with the third, Building 7, later that day. Not that hard to research, but I am here to help you if you have further questions.

so you'd think of them in a more positive light because they aren't a brainwashed drone like you are?

Very Very unAmerican of Carrol to suggest a plane didn't crash into the Pentagon. Video or no video, the Government and Media said that's what happened. Questioning the official narrative should get him placed in some sort of institution where he can be more properly instructed about 9/11.