Cartoon Network has a Batrtle Crashers game on PS4, Switch, X1.
Cartoon Network has a Batrtle Crashers game on PS4, Switch, X1.
I found a bunch of Cricut cartridges (I guess they have fonts and stuff on them?) at a thrift store. I was gonna buy them all to re-sell until I did a quick google search and saw that they are linked to a specific account, so used ones are basically garbage. Because that’s what the world needs is more disposable stuff…
Pretty rich, since you’re trying to have it both ways as far as remembering words have meanings. If success is an absolute, so is failure. You can’t have degrees of failure, but not degrees of success. They are either both absolutes or both relative, since the definition of failure is “lack of success”. I hate that…
I’m kind of okay with people who obsess over cosmetics, or whatever other nonsense you get from buying lootboxes, subsidizing the expense of making games for the rest of us who could not possibly care any less about gacha garbage.
Well ,at least if it ever gets a remake, you won’t have to wait in line to buy it.
You’d prefer Spirit Tracks?
I bought it. Really wanted to like it. After my 4th try at the boss of the first Temple (Forest?), where I died almost instantly before I even figured out how to damage him, I quit. Because each time I had to start back at the beginning of the temple, change the water level, and navigate all the way through it again.…
Who died and anointed you king and governing body of DQ III speedrunning?
Why can’t they set up a store on their own website and sell the game? For a normal game that no one has heard of this obviously won’t work, but surely plenty of people are already looking for this game by name.
Exactly. It’s human nature. Everyone is assuming this is managements fault and it is not that the developers are slow or procrastinating. The game has been delayed what three times already? Some of the blame needs to fall on the people not completing their assignments on time, right?
They haven’t taken anything away. They just haven’t repeated them. You can still go play the old games as much as you want.
That still doesn’t make it a thing. Words have meanings. You either need the move to do something, or you do not. You can either make the jump without a certain move, or you can not. In the places the trickier moves are required, the objectives are not. Yes, tricky moves are required to collect all the moons, and…
If 2) is just an annoying kid in a Moogle outfit I’m throwing a temper tantrum
Yes, the guy who doesn’t agree with your self-described unpopular opinion is here.
Borderline necessary is not a thing. You either need them, or you don’t and for the vast majority of these maneuvers, you don’t. I think you’re vastly overstating the difficulty and necessity of moves in a game children can play to completion.
Gamestop converted all their new stock of this game to used (on XBOX), so you can usually find a pristine copy in the store, with valid code, at the used price ($9.99 i think?)
I thought this sounded familiar so I went looking to see if I could get a physical copy. Saw Limited Run released it, then a bell went off so I went and looked. Oh yeah, I have a sealed copy sitting on my shelf. Then before I ripped it open I checked ebay and saw its up to $150. So I guess it will stay sealed and I…
Yeah I don’t understand what he’s talking about with the health bars. They were in the arcade and NES versions. Also Super Punch-Out is frigging awesome.
Oh yeah, Invisible War definitely makes my list of all-time disappointments.
I’m failing to see how any one could fail to see the potential confusion.